Database Row: Definition, Examples


A database row, also known as a record, is a set of fields within a database table that are relevant to a specific entity. Each row contains a unique instance of data, or information, for the categories defined by the columns. For example, in a “customer” database, a row could represent a single customer’s data, such as their name, address, and contact information.


The phonetics of the keyword “Database Row” is:Database: /ˈdeɪ.təˌbeɪs/Row: /roʊ/

Key Takeaways

  1. A Database Row, also referred to as a record or tuple, consists of values for one or more fields relating to a single entry. Each row in a database table represents complete information about an item or entity.
  2. In a structured relational database, such as SQL, each row has a unique identifier called a primary key. This key helps to distinguish between rows and facilitates easy retrieval of data.
  3. Modifying, adding, or deleting rows in a database table requires commands such as UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE if working in SQL. These changes directly affect the overall structure and content of the database, which underscores the necessity of careful data manipulation.


A database row is significant in the realm of technology because it forms an essential part of the organizational structure of a database, especially in the relational database model. Essentially, a database row, also known as a record or tuple, refers to a set of fields containing data about a specific item within a database. The relevance of a row lies in its capacity to store information related to a single, distinct entry or object, for example, the details of a single customer or a single transaction in a sales database. This structured way of managing data facilitates efficient data manipulation, quick information retrieval, and sophisticated data relationships, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of data management systems.


A database row, also known as a record or tuple, serves a critical purpose in the organization and storage of data in a database management system. The primary purpose of a database row is to collate related data items that pertain to a specific entity; for instance, in a database about employees, a single row could contain all the relevant information about one employee, such as ID, name, job position, or salary. By structuring data in this manner, rows act as a comprehensive data suite for each unique entity, systematically linking elements that belong together and allowing for precise data correlation, retrieval, and processing.The use of database rows contributes greatly to efficient data management. In real-world applications, think of libraries, online stores, or social networks, rows ensure relevant information is well stored for each book, product, or user profile respectively. It simplifies data retrieval as, by querying a specific row, you can access all the associated attributes without having to search through the entire database. Therefore, rows enhance data integrity and relations, ease data manipulation, and quicken search operations, resulting in improved database performance and usability.


1. Student Records in University Database: A university might have a database where a row represents an individual student with fields (columns) like student’s id, name, admissions details, course ID, degree progress and contact information.2. Customer Information in Retail Database: Retailers often maintain a customer database where each row can represent a customer’s data. This may include columns such as Customer ID, Name, Email, Phone Number, Shipping Address, and Order History.3. Employee Information in Corporate Database: A business might have an Employee Information Database where each row presents data about an individual employee, with fields (columns) such as Employee ID, Name, Position, Department, Salary, Hire Date and Contact Details.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

**Q: What is a database row?****A: A database row, also known as a record, refers to a single, implicitly structured data item in a table. Each row in a table represents a set of related data, and every row in the table has the same structure.**Q: What information is found in a database row?****A: A database row consists of one or more cells, each containing a specific value. These values are usually related data points that pertain to a single entity, such as a person, product, or event.**Q: How is a row different from a column in a database?****A: While a database row represents a single record with multiple fields, a column refers to a data set that holds a certain type of data for all the records in a table. Essentially, rows represent entities, whereas columns represent attributes of those entities.**Q: Is there a limit to how many rows a database can contain?****A: The limit of rows a database can contain largely depends on the database management system in use, the storage capacity of the system, and the design of the database in question.**Q: Can I modify or delete a row in a database?****A: Yes, it’s possible to modify or delete a row in a database depending on your permissions. This is usually done through SQL commands such as UPDATE (for modifying) and DELETE (for removing).**Q: How do I locate a specific row in a database?****A: Rows can be filtered and located using SQL query commands which search a specific column for a specific value. For instance, the SQL SELECT statement can be used to retrieve data from one or more rows.**Q: Why is it important to organize data into rows and columns?****A: Organizing data into rows and columns enables efficient data management, retrieval and analysis. It allows you to quickly access specific data, make updates, and perform analysis.

Related Finance Terms

  • Primary Key
  • Foreign Key
  • Record
  • Table
  • Index

Sources for More Information


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