

DB-25 is a type of analog signal connector typically used in computer hardware and communication systems. The “DB” denotes the D-subminiature (D-sub) type of connector, while the “25” refers to its 25-pin configuration. It’s most commonly used for connecting peripherals like printers, monitors or data communications.


D B twenty-five

Key Takeaways

Three Main Takeaways About DB-25

  1. DB-25 is a type of connector used for analog or serial data transmission and it contains 25 pins.
  2. DB-25 has numerous uses across various pieces of hardware, including modems, printers, and computers. In the realm of computers, the DB-25 is often used for the parallel port.
  3. The arrangement of the pins within the DB-25 connector follows the D-subminiature layout, which characterizes it with two rows of pins; this is significant for its applicability in different systems and devices.


DB-25, short for D-subminiature B 25, is a significant technology term referring to an older analog technology standard for connector ports predominantly used in computers, telecommunication, and networking territories. The “D” stands for the D-shaped metal shield around the connector, while the “B” represents the size, and the “25” depicts the number of pins. It became noteworthy due to its widespread use in serial and parallel ports (RS-232 and IEEE-1284 standards respectively), forming the basis for many peripheral connections such as printers, modems, and mouse equipment in the earlier days of personal computing. Although largely superseded by modern interfaces like USB, HDMI, and Ethernet, the term DB-25 remains important for understanding the historical context and the evolution of data transfer technology.


The DB-25, also known as the D-subminiature 25, is a popular type of electrical connector used to connect different types of electronic equipment. It gets its name from its D-shaped profile and the fact that it usually has 25 pins. DB-25 connectors serve multiple purposes. They are often used in computer serial communications, and were once the standard for connecting modems and other peripheral devices to computers.The primary purpose of the DB-25 connector is to provide a common interface that can transmit both data and electrical power between devices. They enable the devices to communicate and interact with each other as required. In addition to computers and modems, these connectors are used in a variety of devices such as printers, scanners, and even in certain types of network connections. Despite newer connection types being more prevalent today, DB-25 connectors continue to be used due to their reliability and the wide range of devices that support them.


1. Serial Communications: The DB-25 connector was widely used in older computers for serial port connections, where it served as the standard RS-232-C interface. This is a system for serial communication in which data is sent or received one bit at a time along a single line. Modems and various data equipment were often designed with DB-25 connectors.2. Parallel Printer Port: Older PCs often used DB-25 connectors for the parallel printer port. Labelled as the LPT port on the computer, the DB-25 connector allowed connection to printers, with the PC transmitting data one full byte (8 bits) at a time.3. SCSI Connection: The Small Computer System Interface (SCSI), used primarily for connecting hard drives and other peripheral devices, often used the DB-25 connector in its original design, allowing multiple devices (up to seven) to be daisy-chained together.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

**Q1: What is a DB-25?**A1: The DB-25 is a standard communication port for many types of audio and computer data connections. It stands for ‘D-sub 25’ and it’s a 25-pin male or female connector, commonly used for parallel and serial ports.**Q2: What are the uses of a DB-25 connector?**A2: DB-25 connectors are commonly used in networking, audio recording, and computer peripheral devices. They have also been used for parallel and serial port connections.**Q3: Is DB-25 and D-sub 25 the same?**A3: Yes, they are the same. DB-25 refers to the ‘D’ shaped 25-pin connector, and D-sub refers to the same type of ‘D’ shaped connector. The term D-sub is short for D-subminiature.**Q4: How does a DB-25 connector look like?**A4: A DB-25 connector is rectangular in shape with a row of 25 pins in a D formation. It can be either male (pins) or female (holes/slots).**Q5: Is a DB-25 the same as an RS-232?**A5: Not exactly. While RS-232 is a standard for serial communication, DB-25 is a type of connector that can be used for RS-232 interfaces. However, RS-232 communication can also be accomplished using other connectors, such as DB-9.**Q6: What is the difference between a DB-25 and a DB-9?**A6: The primary difference between the DB-25 and DB-9 connectors lies in the number of pins. As their names suggest, DB-25 has 25 pins while DB-9 has only 9.**Q7: Are DB-25 connectors still being used today?**A7: While newer interfaces have become more standardized, especially in computers and network equipment, DB-25 connectors are still commonly used in various equipment, especially in professional audio and video applications.

Related Finance Terms

  • Parallel Port
  • Serial Communication
  • RS-232 Interface
  • D-subminiature Connector
  • Modem Connector

Sources for More Information


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