
Clinical Information Modeling Initiative

Definition of Clinical Information Modeling Initiative

Clinical Information Modeling Initiative (CIMI) is a global healthcare project aimed at improving electronic health records and data sharing. It focuses on creating standardized clinical information models for better data interoperability among healthcare providers. By establishing unified terminology and data structures, CIMI aims to facilitate the exchange of health information and enhance patient care.


The phonetics of the keyword “Clinical Information Modeling Initiative” using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) would be:/ˈklɪnɪkÉ™l/ /ˌɪnfÉ™rˈmeɪʃən/ /ˈmÉ’dÉ™lɪŋ/ /ɪˈnɪʃətɪv/Here is a breakdown of the pronunciation for each word:1. ‘Clinical’: /ˈklɪnɪkÉ™l/2. ‘Information’: /ˌɪnfÉ™rˈmeɪʃən/3. ‘Modeling’: /ˈmÉ’dÉ™lɪŋ/4. ‘Initiative’: /ɪˈnɪʃətɪv/

Key Takeaways

  1. Clinical Information Modeling Initiative (CIMI) aims to develop and promote the use of standards for clinical data representation to enable seamless data sharing and interoperability across EHR systems, healthcare organizations, and countries.
  2. CIMI operates under an open, community-based approach and encourages collaboration across academia, industry, and healthcare stakeholders to develop detailed clinical models using a common language and methodology for expressing clinical content.
  3. The initiative supports the use of international terminologies, such as SNOMED CT, LOINC, and ICD-10, and is based on Archetype Definition Language (ADL) and the HL7 FHIR standard, allowing easier integration with modern healthcare information technologies.

Importance of Clinical Information Modeling Initiative

The Clinical Information Modeling Initiative (CIMI) is an essential technology term as it represents a collaborative effort focused on improving the interoperability of computerized healthcare systems.

Through standardization and the creation of a shared repository of detailed clinical information models, CIMI aims to streamline data exchange between various healthcare systems and software implementations.

Its importance is rooted in providing consistent and precise access to vital patient data for care providers, which enhances patient safety, facilitates clinical decision-making, and contributes to improving the overall quality of healthcare services.

The initiative helps reduce potential errors and redundancies in healthcare information management while simultaneously fostering collaboration between healthcare professionals globally.


The Clinical Information Modeling Initiative (CIMI) serves an essential purpose in the healthcare sector by promoting the development and use of clinical information models in healthcare information technology. These models act as standardized templates for recording, managing, and exchanging intricate, comprehensive clinical data across different systems and platforms.

With the primary goal of streamlining how clinical information is shared and managed, CIMI aims to improve the overall quality of healthcare services and facilitate better decision-making processes by ensuring that healthcare providers have access to precise, reliable, and complete patient data. CIMI is utilized for various purposes, such as providing interoperability, enhancing collaboration among healthcare professionals, and promoting evidence-based practices.

By fostering the proper alignment and coordination of clinical data, CIMI significantly reduces inconsistencies and duplication of data, essentially making the information more accurate and accessible. Its standardized models support clinical research, public health reporting, primary care records, and various other healthcare processes.

By enhancing data sharing capabilities, CIMI enables healthcare providers and researchers to harness the full potential of healthcare data, which ultimately leads to improved patient care outcomes and the overall advancement of the healthcare industry.

Examples of Clinical Information Modeling Initiative

The Clinical Information Modeling Initiative (CIMI) is an international collaboration dedicated to providing a common format for detailed specifications for the representation of health information content. This aim is addressed by creating and managing clinical information models based on shared knowledge among various healthcare organizations and standards bodies. Here are three real-world examples of how CIMI has impacted healthcare:

Intermountain Healthcare: Intermountain Healthcare is a Utah-based healthcare system that has adopted CIMI standards to improve the interoperability and exchange of clinical information between its electronic health record (EHR) systems. This has allowed Intermountain to streamline patient care, reduce duplicated tests and procedures, and improve care coordination across the organization. The use of CIMI-based clinical models has fostered better decision-making due to the availability and accuracy of complete patient records.

Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR): FHIR is a standard developed by HL7 International to facilitate the exchange of electronic health information across various healthcare platforms quickly and securely. CIMI has played an essential role in developing clinical information models that support the FHIR standard, which is now widely adopted by EHR vendors, healthcare providers, and IT organizations. The collaboration between CIMI and FHIR has enabled better data sharing, enhanced patient safety, and improved clinical outcomes.

European Patient Summary (EPS): The European Patient Summary (EPS) is an electronic record that contains an individual’s essential health information to support cross-border healthcare within the European Union. CIMI has contributed to the development of clinical information models for the EPS to ensure data harmonization and semantic interoperability between different healthcare systems. The adoption of CIMI-based standards has made it easier for patients in the EU to receive healthcare services in other member countries, as healthcare providers can access and understand crucial patient health information, promoting better clinical care and patient safety.

Clinical Information Modeling Initiative – Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Clinical Information Modeling Initiative?

The Clinical Information Modeling Initiative (CIMI) is an open, collaborative organization focused on improving the interoperability of healthcare information systems through the development of logical, implementable clinical information models. The initiative promotes the use of shared, clinically validated models based on open standards.

What are the objectives of the CIMI initiative?

The objectives of the CIMI initiative are to develop a standard-based, open repository of clinical information models, support the adoption of these models in the industry, harmonize the development of healthcare information technology standards, and improve the usability and quality of clinical decision support systems.

How can clinical information models improve the interoperability of healthcare information systems?

Clinical information models provide a standard way of describing clinical data, making it easier for different healthcare information systems – such as electronic health records, clinical decision support tools, and health information exchanges – to communicate and share data. By agreeing on a common set of clinical models, systems can exchange data more efficiently and accurately, improving the effectiveness of healthcare delivery and helping to reduce errors.

How can I contribute to the Clinical Information Modeling Initiative?

There are various ways you can contribute to the CIMI initiative, such as joining the CIMI mailing list to stay informed about new developments, attending CIMI-sponsored events, participating in online discussions or forums, or collaborating with others on the development of clinical information models. You can also contribute financially by becoming a CIMI member or providing sponsorship for specific projects or activities.

What are the main challenges faced by the Clinical Information Modeling Initiative?

Some of the main challenges faced by the CIMI initiative include coordinating the efforts of multiple stakeholders, ensuring that clinical information models are accurate and up-to-date, promoting the use of open standards, and overcoming the barriers to adoption of these models in the healthcare industry. There is also a need for ongoing education and outreach to promote awareness and understanding of the benefits of using clinical information models.

Related Technology Terms

  • Healthcare Interoperability
  • Standardized Clinical Data Models
  • Information Model Artifacts
  • Terminology Binding
  • Data Exchange Formats

Sources for More Information


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