

Definition of Drexting

Drexting, a combination of the words “driving” and “texting,” refers to the dangerous practice of sending or reading text messages while operating a motor vehicle. It is a form of distracted driving that significantly increases the risk of accidents due to the driver’s reduced focus on the road. Many regions have implemented laws against this behavior to improve road safety and decrease the incidence of accidents caused by driver inattention.


The phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “Drexting” is: /ˈdrekstɪŋ/

Key Takeaways

  1. Drexting, or driving while texting, can significantly increase the risk of car accidents, leading to property damage, injuries, or even fatalities.
  2. Engaging in drexting is illegal in many jurisdictions, resulting in fines, penalties, and increased insurance rates for those caught doing so.
  3. Promoting awareness about the dangers of drexting, and implementing hands-free technology can help reduce incidents and create a safer driving experience for everyone on the road.

Importance of Drexting

Drexting, a term derived from the combination of “driving” and “texting,” is important in the context of technology and road safety.

As the use and reliance on technology, particularly smartphones, have grown exponentially over the years, the dangers of using such devices while driving have also increased significantly.

Drexting has been identified as one of the leading causes of road accidents and fatalities.

Recognizing the importance of this issue helps create awareness about the severe consequences of engaging in such behavior, promotes the adoption of safer practices while driving like hands-free devices or voice assistants, and encourages the development of technological solutions to combat distracted driving.

Overall, addressing the issue of drexting has a vital role to play in ensuring better road safety and preventing potential accidents and loss of lives.


Drexting, a portmanteau for driving and texting, is a phenomenon that has emerged with the widespread use of smartphones and messaging applications. While the term itself is indicative of its meaning, its primary purpose is to raise awareness about the dangers associated with this risky behavior among drivers.

Drexting poses a significant threat to both the driver and those around them, compromising the safety and well-being of all road users. With the prevalence of social media and messaging platforms, the temptation to stay constantly connected has become a serious challenge, and this has inadvertently led to an increase in the number of accidents and fatalities on the roads attributable to drexting.

Campaigns targeting the reduction of drexting have been initiated globally by various organizations and governments to educate and encourage safer driving practices. These campaigns often emphasize the consequences of this dangerous activity, urging drivers to either pull over and stop their vehicles to respond to messages or to simply ignore any incoming notifications while driving.

Additionally, several applications and smartphone features have been developed to restrict notifications or limit phone usage when a vehicle is in motion, thereby reducing the likelihood of drivers engaging in drexting. Through these combined efforts, the overall objective is to create a safer driving environment and prevent countless road accidents stemming from this hazardous practice.

Examples of Drexting

Drexting, or “driving while texting,” is an extremely dangerous behavior that puts the driver, passengers, and others on the road at risk. Here are three real-world examples of the negative impact of drexting:

In September 2008, a commuter train disaster occurred in Chatsworth, California, when a train engineer was texting while operating the train. The train collided with a freight train, resulting in 25 deaths and over 100 injuries. This tragedy led to increased awareness about the dangers of texting while operating any vehicle.

In August 2010, an 18-year old teenager in Missouri named Mariah West was texting while driving on her way to her high school graduation. Due to distracted driving, she lost control of her car and collided with a bridge, which led to her death. This event prompted her family and friends to become advocates for road safety and campaigning against distracted driving.

In May 2021, a 24-year old woman named Layne Chesney in Florida passed away due to complications from burn injuries sustained in a 2018 drexting-related crash. On New Year’s Eve 2017, she was traveling with a friend who was texting and driving, resulting in a high-speed crash that led to a fire. Layne’s survival story and eventual passing made her an impactful example of the consequences of drexting.These three examples show how drexting can lead to tragic consequences, loss of life, and long-lasting impacts on families and communities. It is crucial that drivers remain focused on the road and avoid using their phones while driving to ensure everyone’s safety.

FAQ on Drexting

What is drexting?

Drexting, short for “driving and texting,” refers to the dangerous practice of sending text messages, browsing social media, or otherwise using a mobile device while operating a vehicle. This activity significantly increases the risk of accidents and endangers everyone on the road.

Why is drexting dangerous?

Drexting is dangerous because it takes the driver’s eyes, hands, and focus away from the primary task of driving. This divided attention can lead to slower reaction times, impaired decision-making, and an increased likelihood of accidents. Studies have shown that drivers who text while behind the wheel are at least 6 times more likely to be involved in a crash.

Is drexting illegal?

Many countries and states have adopted laws and penalties aimed at reducing drexting, making it illegal to use handheld devices while driving. The specific regulations may vary, but most jurisdictions prohibit the use of mobile phones without a hands-free device while operating a vehicle. In some places, penalties can include fines, license suspension, and even imprisonment.

How can I avoid drexting?

To avoid drexting, you should always keep your attention on the road. If your phone rings or a message arrives, let it wait until you reach your destination or find a safe place to stop and address it. If you know you are prone to temptation, try turning off your phone or enabling a “Do Not Disturb While Driving” feature that’s available on both Android and iOS devices. Additionally, you can use hands-free and voice-activated features for handling calls and messages without physically touching your phone.

What should I do if I see someone drexting?

If you witness another driver engaging in drexting, maintain a safe distance and be prepared for unexpected maneuvers. You may also report the activity to the relevant authorities, as long as you can do so safely and without breaking any laws yourself. Most importantly, focus on your own driving to ensure you and your passengers are safe.

Related Technology Terms

  • Driving Distraction
  • Texting Behavior
  • Road Safety
  • Smartphone Usage
  • Accident Prevention

Sources for More Information

  • USA Today –
  • –
  • National Safety Council –
  • Teen Driver Source –

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