Digital Video Broadcasting-Satellite Second Generation

Definition of Digital Video Broadcasting-Satellite Second Generation

Digital Video Broadcasting-Satellite Second Generation (DVB-S2) is an enhanced digital satellite television broadcasting standard, designed as an updated version of the original DVB-S system. Introduced in 2005, DVB-S2 offers improved efficiency, robustness, and greater data throughput. This technology allows for high-definition television (HDTV) broadcasts, data services, and advanced modulation schemes to enhance overall performance and user experience.


Dih-jih-tuhl Vih-dee-oh Brahd-kah-sting-Sah-tehl-lyt Seh-kund Jeh-neh-ray-shuhn

Key Takeaways

  1. DVB-S2 is a highly advanced version of the DVB-S standard, offering significant improvements in spectral efficiency, capacity, and flexibility in order to cater to a wide range of applications and services.
  2. It leverages advanced modulation schemes, powerful FEC coding, and adaptive transmission techniques to optimize bandwidth usage and provide better error protection for error-prone satellite links.
  3. DVB-S2 is widely adopted for an array of services, including high-definition TV broadcasting, professional data applications, satellite internet, and interactive services, thus enhancing the overall experience of users and service providers across the globe.

Importance of Digital Video Broadcasting-Satellite Second Generation

The technology term Digital Video Broadcasting-Satellite Second Generation (DVB-S2) is important because it represents a significant advancement in satellite broadcasting technologies.

DVB-S2 allows for more efficient use of satellite transponders, which leads to increased capacity for television channels and other data services.

This efficiency is achieved through improved error correction, advanced modulation techniques, and better compression algorithms, resulting in a significant improvement over its predecessor, DVB-S.

The enhanced performance of DVB-S2 leads to higher quality video and audio, reduced transmission costs, and the ability to support new multimedia services including high-definition television (HDTV), Ultra High Definition (UHD), and interactive applications.

This technology has played a critical role in expanding the reach and capabilities of satellite broadcasting, making it a key component of the global communications infrastructure.


Digital Video Broadcasting-Satellite Second Generation (DVB-S2) serves as a pivotal technology in the realm of satellite broadcasting, which has enhanced the way data transmission is conducted, thereby vastly improving satellite communication efficiency. The primary purpose of DVB-S2 is to facilitate the seamless transmission of digital television and High Definition Television (HDTV) signals via satellite networks. It has a vital role in empowering broadcasters and service providers to offer high-quality video content to users, all the while conserving bandwidth.

Moreover, this system also caters to demands beyond television broadcasting, including Digital Video Broadcasting, audio broadcasting, and interactive services. DVB-S2 has spectacularly upgraded the functionality of its predecessor, DVB-S, by leveraging advancements in modulation and coding techniques. These enhancements have fortified forward error correction and increased resistance to interference, resulting in a significant leap in its overall performance.

This cutting-edge technology has bolstered the broadcasting industry as well as various other sectors like businesses, governmental agencies, and internet service providers. The presence of DVB-S2 has effectively supported strategic applications such as broadband access, distance learning, telemedicine, and Direct to Home (DTH) television, to name just a few. The continuous evolution in the field of satellite technology promises to mold an increasingly efficient and reliable landscape for communication and broadcast endeavors.

Examples of Digital Video Broadcasting-Satellite Second Generation

Digital Video Broadcasting-Satellite Second Generation (DVB-S2) is an enhanced technology for digital satellite television, building on its predecessor, DVB-S. It offers improved efficiency, better video quality, and supports additional services. Here are three real-world examples of the application of DVB-S2 technology:

Satellite TV broadcasting: One of the most prominent examples of DVB-S2 technology is its use by satellite TV broadcasters such as DIRECTV, DISH Network, and European providers like Sky and Astra. These companies utilize DVB-S2 to deliver high-definition (HD) and ultra-high-definition (UHD) TV channels to their subscribers with higher video quality and demanding fewer resources, improving the overall viewing experience.

Satellite Internet services: Some Internet service providers (ISPs), especially in remote or underserved areas, use DVB-S2 to offer broadband Internet access via satellite. Companies like HughesNet, Viasat, and Inmarsat use this technology to deliver data more efficiently to their customers, enabling services like video streaming, online gaming, and large file downloads. DVB-S2’s increased spectral efficiency allows more data to be transmitted with the same satellite resources, providing better connectivity for users.

Broadcast contribution and distribution: TV broadcasters and content providers often use DVB-S2 technology for contribution and distribution purposes. This involves the transmission of live or recorded video feeds from one location to another, such as from a sports event venue to a TV station or from a production studio to a satellite broadcast center. DVB-S2 allows for more secure and efficient transmission of these feeds, often making it possible to transmit multiple feeds within the same bandwidth, reducing costs and increasing flexibility.

Digital Video Broadcasting-Satellite Second Generation (DVB-S2) FAQ

What is Digital Video Broadcasting-Satellite Second Generation (DVB-S2)?

Digital Video Broadcasting-Satellite Second Generation (DVB-S2) is an improved version of the DVB-S system, which is a digital satellite television broadcast standard. DVB-S2 offers better performance, increased capacity, and more advanced features compared to its predecessor.

What are the key improvements of DVB-S2 compared to DVB-S?

DVB-S2 has several key improvements over DVB-S, including better modulation schemes, improved Forward Error Correction (FEC) techniques, efficient bandwidth utilization, support for adaptive coding and modulation, and improved management of available satellite capacity.

What are the applications of DVB-S2?

DVB-S2 is widely used for various applications, including Direct-To-Home (DTH) television broadcasting, satellite newsgathering (SNG), digital satellite news gathering (DSNG), professional video links, broadband access, and other data communication services over satellite.

Is DVB-S2 compatible with DVB-S?

DVB-S2 is not directly compatible with DVB-S, as it uses different modulation and FEC techniques. However, many DVB-S2 receivers are designed to be backward compatible with DVB-S, allowing them to work with both standards. This provides a smooth transition path for users upgrading their equipment to support the enhanced features of DVB-S2.

What kind of equipment is needed to receive DVB-S2 broadcasts?

To receive and decode DVB-S2 broadcasts, you need a compatible DVB-S2 receiver, which can be a standalone set-top box or a built-in tuner in a television. Additionally, you will require a satellite dish and a Low-Noise Block (LNB) converter to capture the satellite signal.

Related Technology Terms

  • High-Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC)
  • Multiple Input Single Output (MISO)
  • Generic Stream Encapsulation (GSE)
  • Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM)
  • Physical Layer Pipes (PLP)

Sources for More Information


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