
Digital Video Broadcasting – Terrestrial

Definition of Digital Video Broadcasting – Terrestrial

Digital Video Broadcasting – Terrestrial (DVB-T) is a standard for transmitting digital television signals over the air, specifically designed for terrestrial television broadcasting. DVB-T uses a combination of compression and modulation techniques to deliver high-quality digital video and audio content to receivers. This technology allows for the efficient use of the radio frequency spectrum and supports various broadcast services, including standard-definition TV (SDTV), high-definition TV (HDTV), and multimedia content.


The phonetics for “Digital Video Broadcasting – Terrestrial” using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) would be:/ˈdɪdʒɪtəl ˈvɪdioʊ ˈbrɔːdkæstɪŋ – təˈrestrɪəl/Here’s a breakdown of each part:- Digital: /ˈdɪdʒɪtəl/- Video: /ˈvɪdioʊ/- Broadcasting: /ˈbrɔːdkæstɪŋ/- Terrestrial: /təˈrestrɪəl/When possible, provide a pronunciation guide or audio recording to assist pronunciation of the keyword further.

Key Takeaways

  1. Digital Video Broadcasting – Terrestrial (DVB-T) is a digital broadcasting standard that allows terrestrial television stations to transmit their programming using a digital signal, offering better picture and sound quality compared to analog transmissions.
  2. DVB-T utilizes coded orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (COFDM) to provide enhanced error protection and more efficient use of bandwidth, enabling the transmission of multiple channels and programs within the same frequency spectrum.
  3. The DVB-T standard has been widely adopted globally, providing a foundation for the transition from analog to digital TV broadcasting and enabling new features such as Electronic Program Guides (EPGs), High-Definition (HD) content, and interactive services.

Importance of Digital Video Broadcasting – Terrestrial

Digital Video Broadcasting – Terrestrial (DVB-T) is an important technology term as it revolutionized the television broadcasting industry, enabling high-quality digital transmission of TV signals over traditional terrestrial networks.

This system replaced analog transmission, significantly improving the efficiency and overall viewing experience for viewers.

DVB-T allows for better picture and sound quality, as well as the capacity to transmit multiple channels on a single frequency, increasing the available content for audiences.

Additionally, it paved the way for innovative features such as Electronic Program Guides, subtitles, and interactive services.

By transitioning to DVB-T, the industry took a significant step towards a more modern, efficient, and customer-centric broadcasting system.


Digital Video Broadcasting – Terrestrial (DVB-T) serves a vital purpose in the realm of broadcast technology by providing robust and efficient over-the-air transmission of digital television signals. As the terrestrial variant of the Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) family of standards, DVB-T has become increasingly popular owing to its ability to extend TV services to even the most remote areas, bridging the gap between rural and urban communities.

By employing advanced modulation and coding techniques, DVB-T ensures superior quality and reception of television channels while allowing for the same antenna and infrastructure used for traditional analog transmissions. Moreover, the spectrum efficiency of DVB-T enables broadcasters to deliver a larger amount of channels and data within the confined frequency bands, promoting a more diverse and interactive experience for viewers.

One of the key applications of DVB-T lies in facilitating the transition from analog to digital television broadcasting, a process also known as “digital switchover.” This switchover has been initiated in numerous countries across the globe for multiple reasons: to deliver better picture and sound quality, to increase the number of viewing options, and to free up valuable radio spectrum for other wireless communication services. Additionally, DVB-T technology can be utilized for providing electronic program guides, subtitles, multiple language audio tracks, and even mobile television services.

As technology advances and consumer demand for sophisticated forms of content persists, DVB-T has proven indispensable for ushering in a new era of digital television broadcasting while satisfying the need for expanded and dynamic media choices.

Examples of Digital Video Broadcasting – Terrestrial

Freeview (United Kingdom): Launched in 2002, Freeview is a popular digital terrestrial television platform in the United Kingdom. Freeview utilizes DVB-T technology to deliver a wide range of television channels, radio stations, and other interactive services to viewers across the UK through an aerial connection. By providing access to both public and commercial broadcasters, including BBC, ITV, Channel 4, and Channel 5, Freeview enables viewers to access numerous entertainment options without a satellite dish or cable subscription.

Televisión Digital Terrestre (TDT) – Spain: TDT is the Spanish digital terrestrial television platform that began operation in

It relies on DVB-T technology to deliver high-quality television programming, including both standard definition (SD) and high definition (HD) channels, across Spain. The viewers can access a broad selection of channels from national broadcasters such as RTVE, Antena 3, Cuatro, and Telecinco, as well as several local and regional channels, providing diverse content available without additional subscription costs.

TNT (Télévision Numérique Terrestre) – France: TNT is the French digital terrestrial television service launched in 2005, which uses DVB-T technology to broadcast television channels throughout France. TNT offers approximately 30 free-to-air television channels, including both public and private broadcasters, and several HD channels. Popular channels available on TNT include TF1, France 2, France 3, France 5, M6, and Arte. This platform provides French viewers with easy access to a wide range of television programming, helping to transition the country from analog to digital television broadcasting.

Digital Video Broadcasting – Terrestrial FAQ

What is Digital Video Broadcasting – Terrestrial (DVB-T)?

Digital Video Broadcasting – Terrestrial (DVB-T) is a standard for transmitting digital terrestrial television, which allows the broadcasting of high-quality video, audio, and data services to fixed, portable, and mobile devices.

What are the benefits of DVB-T over analog television?

DVB-T offers several major benefits compared to analog television, including improved picture and sound quality, better resistance to interference, and the ability to transmit multiple channels using the same frequency bandwidth. This results in more efficient use of the radio spectrum and greater choice of content for viewers.

How does DVB-T work?

DVB-T uses advanced modulation and compression techniques to convert video, audio, and data streams into a digital format that can be efficiently transmitted over the airwaves. The digital signal is then received by TV sets, set-top boxes, or other devices equipped with DVB-T tuners, which decode the signal and present the content on the screen.

What do I need to receive DVB-T broadcasts?

To receive DVB-T broadcasts, you need a TV set, set-top box, or other devices with a built-in DVB-T tuner, plus an appropriate antenna to capture the over-the-air signal. It is important to check the specific requirements for your country or region, as the frequencies and DVB-T standards may vary.

Is DVB-T available in my country?

DVB-T has been adopted by many countries around the world, primarily in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Pacific. However, some regions use other digital terrestrial television standards, such as ATSC in North America or ISDB-T in Japan and Brazil. You should check with your local broadcasting authorities to find out which standard is used in your country.

Related Technology Terms

  • MPEG-2 Compression
  • Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)
  • Transmission Parameters Signaling (TPS)
  • Error Correction: FEC (Forward Error Correction) and Interleaving
  • Single Frequency Network (SFN)

Sources for More Information


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