
Do What I Mean

Definition of Do What I Mean

Do What I Mean (DWIM) is a concept in software design that aims to make systems intuitive and user-friendly by anticipating user intent and errors. It involves creating programs that can interpret ambiguous or incorrect inputs and efficiently produce the desired output. This concept aims to reduce user frustration and improve overall user experience by making technology adapt to human needs, rather than the user adapting to technology.


The phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “Do What I Mean” would be:doÊŠ wÊŒt aɪ min In the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), it would look like this:/doÊŠ wÊŒt aɪ min/

Key Takeaways

  1. Do What I Mean (DWIM) is an AI-driven technology that interprets user intent by automatically correcting programming errors and filling in gaps in code, making it easier for users to achieve their desired outcomes.
  2. DWIM aims to create a more intuitive and user-friendly experience by reducing the need for extensive technical knowledge or precise commands, allowing users with varying levels of expertise to communicate more effectively with the software.
  3. While DWIM offers considerable advantages in terms of efficiency and ease of use, there can be challenges related to system complexity and potential misunderstanding of user intent, which developers must address in order to refine and improve the technology.

Importance of Do What I Mean

The technology term “Do What I Mean” (DWIM) is important because it represents a user-centric concept in software development, emphasizing human-computer interaction.

The primary goal of DWIM is to design systems that are intuitive and adaptive, capable of understanding the user’s intent without explicit instruction.

By reducing the need for precise and technical inputs, DWIM fosters a seamless and efficient interaction between users and technology.

By prioritizing user experience in the development process, DWIM encourages the creation of more user-friendly and accessible software applications, which ultimately leads to increased satisfaction and productivity across a broader range of users.


Do What I Mean (DWIM) is a computing technology that strives to empower users by enabling software applications to anticipate, interpret, and correctly execute their intended actions. The purpose of DWIM is to create a more user-friendly and efficient experience by reducing the number of steps required to complete tasks and minimizing errors caused by miscommunication between the user and the software.

DWIM essentially aims to make computer programs “smarter” by allowing them to understand the user’s intentions with minimal explicit instructions from the user. This intuitive functionality can be especially beneficial for novice users, making technology more accessible and less intimidating to learn, as well as providing experienced users with an expedited workflow.

In order to achieve this level of intuitiveness, DWIM relies on well-developed algorithms, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning techniques to glean context and analyze user behavior patterns. As the software becomes more accustomed to the user’s habits and preferences, it can better predict the desired outcome and offer appropriate suggestions or execute commands accordingly.

From autocorrecting text, converting file formats, to software fixing syntax errors in programming languages, DWIM has impacted various computing fields, improving user experience and efficiency. By consistently evolving and adapting to a user’s needs, Do What I Mean technology ultimately seeks to bridge the communication gap between humans and computers, fostering a seamless interaction that is both productive and enjoyable.

Examples of Do What I Mean

Do What I Mean (DWIM) is a concept of software tools and systems designed to interpret user intentions and make intelligent assumptions to fulfill the desired goals. While DWIM technology is more of an idea than a specific solution, there are several real-world examples of systems that have incorporated DWIM-like features for better user experience:

Autocorrect: Autocorrect is a text-correction technology used primarily in mobile phones and word processing applications. It corrects common spelling errors, typos, and grammatical mistakes by predicting what the user meant to type. Autocorrect employs a DWIM approach by understanding the context and attempting to make the appropriate changes based on the user’s intended input.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Voice Assistants: Virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant use NLP and machine learning algorithms to understand spoken language and perform tasks based on user commands. They exemplify the DWIM concept by interpreting voice commands, understanding the intent behind them, and processing the desired action. As a result, users can control their devices or get information through simple, everyday language.

Smart Search Engines: Modern search engines like Google use advanced algorithms to provide relevant results based on user input. They incorporate DWIM elements by understanding misspellings, synonyms, or rephrasing queries for better search performance. For instance, when a user types a query with a misspelled word, the search engine recognizes the probable intent and suggests the correct result. It also takes into account the user’s search history and interests to present more targeted, meaningful results.

FAQ: Do What I Mean

What is “Do What I Mean”?

“Do What I Mean” (or DWIM) is a computing term for a principle in the design of user interfaces where the user’s intent is guessed by the system, often resulting in the software adapting its behavior to meet the user’s expectations.

How does DWIM work?

DWIM works by using advanced programming algorithms or artificial intelligence techniques to understand the user’s behavior and intentions. When a mistake or ambiguity is detected, the system will attempt to correct the issue automatically or suggest a correction based on what the user is likely trying to accomplish.

What are some examples of DWIM in practice?

Examples of DWIM in practice include autocorrect features in text editors and IDEs, search engine suggestions and auto-corrections, and software adapting to the user’s preferences over time based on their interaction history.

What are the benefits and drawbacks of DWIM?

The benefits of DWIM include a more intuitive user experience, increased efficiency, and lower likelihood of user errors, as the system is actively attempting to understand and correct mistakes. However, some drawbacks include increased complexity of software, potential privacy concerns, and the possibility of system-created errors if the DWIM algorithm misinterprets user intent.

What is the difference between DWIM and AI?

While DWIM and AI can sometimes overlap, DWIM is typically focused on interpreting and correcting the user’s intent within the context of specific user interfaces and interactions. In contrast, AI is a broader term that encompasses a wide range of systems, including those that perform automated reasoning, learning, and problem-solving algorithms that may or may not be related to user interactions.

Related Technology Terms

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
  • Machine Learning (ML)
  • Intelligent Assistants

Sources for More Information


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