
Domain Hijacking

Definition of Domain Hijacking

Domain hijacking, also known as domain theft, is the unauthorized act of gaining control over a domain name by altering its registration details without the permission of the original owner. This is often achieved through social engineering, hacking, or exploiting vulnerabilities in domain registrar systems. Once hijacked, the attacker may use the stolen domain for malicious purposes or demand a ransom for its return.


Domain Hijacking is pronounced as:/ˈdoʊ.meɪn ˈhaɪ.dʒæk.ɪŋ/Doh-mayn Hahy-jak-ing

Key Takeaways

  1. Domain hijacking, also known as domain theft, is the unauthorized transfer of a domain name’s registration from the rightful owner to another individual, typically for malicious purposes.
  2. Some common methods used by cybercriminals to hijack domains include phishing, exploiting security vulnerabilities, and social engineering attacks targeting domain registrars or owners.
  3. To prevent domain hijacking, it is essential to use strong and unique passwords, multi-factor authentication, secure email accounts, and maintain regular communication with your domain registrar.

Importance of Domain Hijacking

Domain hijacking, also referred to as domain theft, is an important term in technology because it involves the unauthorized transfer or modification of domain registration details, potentially causing significant harm to individuals, organizations, and businesses.

Cybercriminals who hijack a domain can gain control over a website, redirect traffic, steal sensitive data, and engage in fraudulent activities, potentially damaging the reputation and revenue of the affected parties.

Awareness of domain hijacking is essential to prioritize cybersecurity measures, safeguard valuable digital assets, and ensure online safety and privacy for both businesses and users.


Domain hijacking, commonly known as domain theft, is a nefarious practice employed by cybercriminals to gain unauthorized access and control over someone else’s domain name. The primary purpose behind this malicious activity is to exploit the domain’s existing reputation, online presence, and traffic for personal gain.

Criminals achieve this by either fraudulently transferring the domain’s registration to themselves, tampering with the domain name server (DNS), or through unauthorized manipulation of domain registration details. The repercussions of domain hijacking can be quite damaging for the original domain holder – especially when the hackers decide to use the hijacked platform for spreading malware, phishing, or launching other cyber attacks.

Businesses may suffer from a tarnished reputation, loss of customer trust, or significant financial losses. Furthermore, the hijacked domain could be sold on the dark web or used as a platform for hosting illegal content, exacerbating the damage to the domain owner.

To combat domain hijacking, businesses and website owners must employ stringent security measures, such as two-factor authentication, regularly updating login credentials, and monitoring for any suspicious activities related to their domain registration information.

Examples of Domain Hijacking

Domain hijacking, also known as domain theft or domain name hijacking, refers to the unauthorized transfer or manipulation of a domain name’s registration, typically through social engineering, phishing, or exploiting security vulnerabilities in domain registrar systems. Here are three real-world examples of domain hijacking: Hijacking (1995):In one of the earliest instances of domain hijacking, Panix, one of the oldest internet service providers (ISPs) in New York, had its domain name stolen by someone who exploited weaknesses in the domain registration system. The hijacker transferred the domain to a different registrar, changed the DNS settings, and interrupted services for Panix customers. The issue was eventually resolved, but the incident highlighted the need for stronger domain name security measures. Hijacking (1995-2000):One of the most infamous domain hijacking cases involved The rightful owner of the domain, Gary Kremen, found his domain name had been stolen by Stephen Cohen, who forged a letter requesting a domain transfer on Kremen’s behalf. Cohen reportedly made millions of dollars while using the domain. After a lengthy legal battle and multiple appeals, Kremen finally regained control of in 2000 and was awarded a $65 million judgment against Cohen.

New York Times ( Cyberattack (2013):In August 2013, the domain name of the New York Times ( was temporarily hijacked by the Syrian Electronic Army (SEA), a hacker group allegedly supporting the Syrian government. The group accessed the domain registrar’s system, changed DNS settings, and redirected visitors to the hackers’ website. This high-profile domain hijacking brought attention to the importance of securing domain registrar accounts and the vulnerabilities that exist in domain name registration systems.

Domain Hijacking FAQ

What is domain hijacking?

Domain hijacking, also known as domain theft, is the unauthorized transfer or manipulation of a domain name registration by intercepting and altering communication between a domain registrant and a domain registrar. This results in the domain name being stolen from its original owner and being transferred to another party without consent.

How does domain hijacking occur?

Domain hijacking can occur through various means, including social engineering, phishing, hacking of domain registrar accounts, or exploiting weaknesses in domain registration systems. Perpetrators may deceive the domain registrar or the domain owner to gain unauthorized access to the domain management systems, allowing them to make unauthorized changes to the domain registration.

What are the potential consequences of domain hijacking?

Domain hijacking can cause significant damage to the domain owner and any associated businesses or brands. Consequences may include loss of website traffic, disruption to email services, harm to brand reputation, or even the complete loss of ownership of the domain. It may also expose visitors to the hijacked website to malware, phishing attacks, or other security risks.

How can I prevent domain hijacking?

To protect your domain from hijacking, you should take several precautions:
1. Use strong and unique passwords for your domain registrar account and email account.
2. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for added security.
3. Keep your domain registration and contact information up-to-date.
4. Monitor your domain registrar for any suspicious activity or unauthorized changes.
5. Use domain locking features provided by your domain registrar.
6. Consider private domain registration to protect your personal information from being used in social engineering attacks.

What should I do if my domain has been hijacked?

If you suspect your domain has been hijacked, take immediate action:
1. Contact your domain registrar and report the issue.
2. Gather and provide evidence of the hijacking, such as unauthorized domain transfers or changes to registration information.
3. If the hijacker has changed your account access information, work with your registrar to regain access to your domain management system.
4. Obtain legal advice if necessary and consider reporting the incident to law enforcement agencies, especially if financial losses or data breaches have occurred.
5. Review your domain security measures and take steps to strengthen them to prevent future incidents.

Related Technology Terms

  • Domain Name System (DNS)
  • Domain Registrar
  • 3.

  • Domain Transfer
  • 4.

  • Whois Database
  • 5.

  • ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers)

Sources for More Information


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