Domain Name System Parking

Definition of Domain Name System Parking

Domain Name System (DNS) parking refers to the process of reserving a domain name without actively using it for a website or email services. Typically, a parked domain displays a temporary webpage indicating it is under construction or for sale. This practice allows the domain owner to secure the desired domain name while preparing for its future use or intending to sell it at a higher price.


The phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “Domain Name System Parking” is:doʊˈmeɪn neɪm ˈsɪstəm ˈpɑrkɪŋBreaking it down:- “Domain” – doʊˈmeɪn- “Name” – neɪm- “System” – ˈsɪstəm- “Parking” – ˈpɑrkɪŋ

Key Takeaways

  1. Domain Name System (DNS) parking allows you to reserve a domain name without actively using it for a website or email service, providing a placeholder for future usage.
  2. While parked, the domain owner can monetize the domain by displaying relevant ads or using it for traffic redirection, which can help to cover the domain registration and maintenance costs.
  3. Parking a domain can protect valuable domain names from being acquired by others, enabling the owner to develop a branding strategy, name a future project, or prevent competitors from using the name for their benefit.

Importance of Domain Name System Parking

Domain Name System (DNS) parking is an important concept in the realm of technology, as it allows individuals and businesses to reserve or hold domain names without actively hosting any content on them.

This is particularly useful for protecting brand identity, preventing cybersquatting, and preparing for future projects.

By offering temporary web pages and ensuring an inactive domain remains accessible, DNS parking makes it possible for the domain owner to generate revenue through advertising or create a placeholder until the actual website is developed.

Furthermore, domain name parking simplifies the management of multiple domain names, enabling users to organize their online assets effectively.


Domain Name System (DNS) Parking serves as an interim solution for website administrators and domain owners who do not yet have an active website or content ready for their domain. In a highly competitive online environment, it is crucial for businesses and individuals to secure a suitable domain name for their future projects in order to strengthen their brand name and online presence. DNS Parking allows the domain owners to reserve their desired domain name prior to the development or launch of their website.

During this period, the domain name points to a temporary webpage or a placeholder, indicating that the domain has been registered and is awaiting the deployment of an actual website. The primary purpose of DNS Parking is to protect the domain owner’s interest in retaining their ideal domain name while they work towards creating their online presence. Moreover, DNS Parking can serve as an avenue for generating potential revenue through advertising and monetizing the parked domain.

In this case, the temporary webpage may feature relevant advertisements or affiliate links, allowing the domain owner to earn a passive income from visitor traffic. Furthermore, parked domains can be used for brand protection, ensuring that competitors are unable to register a similar or confusingly similar domain name. Overall, DNS Parking bridges the gap between domain name registration and the eventual rollout of a fully-developed website, offering flexibility and opportunities for domain owners in the digital landscape.

Examples of Domain Name System Parking

Domain Name System (DNS) parking refers to the process of reserving a domain name but not yet using it for an active website. This practice is generally employed to hold the domain for future use, to protect a brand or trademark, or to capitalize on the potential resale value. Here are three real-world examples: the early stages of the internet, was registered as a domain but did not yet have a website associated with it. The founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, parked the domain initially while they developed the search engine. Today, is one of the most widely used websites in the world.

Mike Mann’s Domain Market:Mike Mann is a successful entrepreneur, and the founder of, which acts as a marketplace for domain names. Mann has made a career out of buying, parking, and reselling domain names, making notable sales like selling “” for $5 million and “” for $

2 million after parking them.

Brand protection: Large companies like Apple, Microsoft, and Proctor & Gamble often park domain names to protect their brands and prevent others from using similar domains for nefarious purposes. For instance, Apple might park domain names like “” or “” to ensure that they have control over them and that no one else uses them in a way that could harm their brand.

Domain Name System Parking FAQ

What is Domain Name System (DNS) Parking?

DNS Parking is a service that allows domain name owners to reserve their domain without having to attach it to any specific website or web content. The domain name still belongs to the owner but is typically directed to a temporary web page managed by the hosting company.

Why would someone use DNS Parking?

DNS Parking can be useful in various situations, such as when someone has purchased a domain name but hasn’t decided on the content or purpose for the website yet, or when they’re planning to develop the website at a later date. It can also be used when someone wants to reserve a domain name to prevent others from using it or to hold multiple domain names for future business ventures.

How can I park my domain name?

To park your domain name, follow these steps:

  1. Register your domain name with a domain registrar, if you haven’t already.
  2. Sign up for a DNS parking service, which can usually be found through your domain registrar or a third-party service.
  3. Update your domain’s nameservers to point to the DNS parking service.

Once the nameservers are updated, your domain will be parked and visitors will be directed to the temporary web page provided by the parking service.

Do I need to pay for DNS Parking services?

There are both free and paid DNS Parking services available. Free services typically display ads on the temporary page, while paid services offer more customization options and might not have ads. The choice depends on your individual needs and preferences.

Can I earn revenue from my parked domain?

Some DNS Parking services offer the option to earn revenue through advertising on your parked domain’s temporary page. If you choose this option, you will get a percentage of the advertising revenue generated by your parked domain. Keep in mind that the amount of money earned will depend on factors such as traffic to your domain and the amount advertisers are willing to pay for ad placements.

Related Technology Terms

  • Domain Registration
  • Name Servers
  • Parked Domain
  • Domain Reselling
  • Domain Forwarding

Sources for More Information


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