Emailing While Intoxicated

Definition of Emailing While Intoxicated

Emailing While Intoxicated (EWI) refers to the act of sending emails under the influence of alcohol or other substances that impair judgement. It can result in unprofessional, incoherent, or inappropriate messages being sent, potentially damaging relationships or causing other issues. EWI is strongly discouraged to maintain a positive online presence and avoid unfavorable consequences.


E – EchoM – MikeA – AlphaI – IndiaL – LimaI – IndiaN – NovemberG – GolfW – WhiskeyH – HotelI – IndiaL – LimaE – EchoI – IndiaN – NovemberT – TangoO – OscarX – X-rayI – IndiaC – CharlieA – AlphaT – TangoE – EchoD – Delta

Key Takeaways

  1. Emailing while intoxicated can lead to poor judgment, thus resulting in unprofessional or inappropriate content being sent.
  2. It may damage your personal or professional relationships if recipients take offense to the contents of the intoxicated email.
  3. Always double-check and proofread an email the next day if you sent it while intoxicated, and be prepared to apologize or make amends if necessary.

Importance of Emailing While Intoxicated

The term “Emailing While Intoxicated” is important as it highlights the potential consequences and dangers of sending emails under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicating substances.

When people are intoxicated, their judgment, reasoning, and inhibitions are impaired, which can lead to sending inappropriate, unprofessional, or offensive messages that can negatively impact their reputation, relationships, and even career.

By raising awareness about this concept, individuals are reminded of the importance of exercising caution and restraint when using technology, especially in professional settings, and taking responsibility for their actions while under the influence.


Emailing While Intoxicated (EWI) is a slang term referring to the act of composing and sending emails while under the influence of alcohol or other mind-altering substances. This phenomenon primarily occurs among individuals who choose to engage with digital communication tools, such as computers and smartphones, during their altered states. Oftentimes, the purpose of EWI is to express emotions or thoughts that may be unfiltered or uninhibited due to the inebriation, in an attempt to make personal connections or convey strong opinions on particular matters.

In many cases, the individual who is emailing while intoxicated may believe they are communicating more effectively than they would when sober, or find they are able to discuss subjects that they are normally too shy or reserved to approach. Unfortunately, the consequences of EWI can lead to potentially embarrassing or negative outcomes once the substance’s effects wear off, and the sender returns to their sober state. For instance, recipients may be offended, confused, or disheartened by the tone and content of the received email.

In professional settings, sending emails intoxicated could lead to lasting damage to work relationships or even jeopardize the sender’s employment. Consequently, the practice of EWI is generally discouraged, as it does not serve a useful, productive, or positive purpose. Instead, individuals are advised to wait until they are in a clear and focused state of mind before engaging in any form of electronic communication to ensure accuracy, professionalism, and a positive outcome.

Examples of Emailing While Intoxicated

In 2012, journalist and author Nir Rosen resigned from his position as a fellow at New York University’s Center for Law and Security following an emailed apology that was seen as insincere and offensive. After posting inappropriate tweets about CBS correspondent Lara Logan’s assault, he emailed an apology to the journalist while intoxicated. The poorly-worded email led to further backlash and Rosen’s resignation.

In 2008, a financial manager at a prominent investment bank sent an email to his colleagues after consuming alcohol at a social event. The email contained various revelations about his personal life, the amount he had been drinking that night, and inappropriate comments about his colleagues. Screenshots of the email went viral online, leading to embarrassment for the bank and the individual involved. It is unclear whether disciplinary action was taken against the manager, but the incident highlighted the dangers of sending emails while intoxicated.

In 2016, a university student sent out an intoxicated group email with a controversial message to classmates in an attempt to coordinate a study session. The email contained offensive language and was sent to the entire class, including the professor. As a result, the student faced disciplinary action and potential expulsion from the course. This serves as a reminder that sending emails while intoxicated can have serious repercussions, particularly within academic settings.

Emailing While Intoxicated

What is emailing while intoxicated?

Emailing while intoxicated refers to the act of sending emails under the influence of alcohol or other substances that may impair one’s judgment or cognitive abilities. This can lead to sending messages that are poorly written, offensive, or may not represent the sender’s true thoughts or intentions.

Why is emailing while intoxicated considered a problem?

Emailing while intoxicated can lead to several consequences, such as damaging personal or professional relationships, causing misunderstandings or confusion, or even leading to legal trouble if the contents of the email are inappropriate or threatening. Additionally, intoxicated emails can reflect poorly on the sender, damaging their reputation or credibility in the eyes of the recipient.

How can I prevent myself from emailing while intoxicated?

To avoid emailing while intoxicated, you can set up a delay in your email client to send messages at a later time, giving you the opportunity to review and edit them when sober. You could also consider logging out of your email account or removing your access to it when you plan to consume alcohol or other substances. It is essential to be aware of your actions and stay accountable, which means sharing your concern with a friend or family member who can help prevent you from emailing while under the influence.

What should I do if I discover I have sent an email while intoxicated?

If you realize that you have sent an email while intoxicated, it is important to address the situation as soon as possible. This may involve sending an apology or explanation to the recipient, clarifying any misunderstandings, and taking responsibility for your actions. It is important to be sincere, humble, and honest while addressing the situation.

Can my employer take action against me for emailing while intoxicated?

Your employer may choose to take action against you if your intoxicated email negatively impacts the workplace, violates company policy, or damages professional relationships. Consequences may range from a simple warning or reprimand to more severe actions such as suspension or termination. It is best to familiarize yourself with your employer’s policies and procedures regarding employee conduct and communication to avoid potential repercussions.

Related Technology Terms

  • Irresponsible communication
  • Impulsive messaging
  • Inebriated emailing
  • Unintended consequences
  • Regretful correspondence

Sources for More Information


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