Extended Data Out


Extended Data Out (EDO) is a type of Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) that has a faster rate of data transfer compared to usual DRAM. This is achieved by allowing the next access cycle to start while the computer is retaining the data from theprevious one. The result is improved overall system performance and a reduction in wait states.


The phonetics of the keyword “Extended Data Out” is :Eks-tend-ed Data Out

Key Takeaways

<ol><li>Extended Data Out (EDO) is a type of DRAM (Dynamic Random-Access Memory) that is faster than conventional DRAM. This is largely due to the fact that EDO’s technology allows it to hold on to the column address of the data, allowing for a faster access time on subsequent reads.</li><li>EDO memory was common in computers manufactured in the mid to late 1990s. Its efficiency made it a popular choice around this time, providing significant speed improvements over previous types of memory. However, it’s rarely used in modern computers due to further advancements in memory technology.</li><li>The primary benefit of EDO memory was that it allowed the processor to fetch new data while it was retaining the current one. Additionally, due to its speed, EDO memory was particularly beneficial for devices requiring lots of memory or a high-speed memory interface.</li></ol>


Extended Data Out (EDO) is a significant technological term referencing a type of Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) that provided faster access to data compared to its previous counterparts during the mid-1990s. EDO memory improved the time taken to read subsequent data after the initial data was accessed. Unlike earlier DRAM types, which required a certain delay before additional data could be read, EDO allowed the CPU to access other data while it kept the data output lines active with the previously read data. This capability meant that it could simultaneously process new instructions, therefore reducing dead time and boosting overall system performance. Though it’s largely obsolete now due to the introduction of newer technologies, understanding EDO is important as it offers insight into the evolution of computer memory technology.


Extended Data Out (EDO) is a type of Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) technology that was used predominantly in the mid-1990s. Its purpose was to improve the speed of memory access without having to increase the clock speed of the computer, thereby offering an overall enhanced performance. Computers that were equipped with an EDO memory could run applications faster and handle more complex tasks. This was particularly beneficial for processing-intensive activities such as video editing, gaming, and 3D modeling where a speed improvement significantly enhanced user experience.The implementation of EDO technology was a game changer in the computer world because it introduced a more efficient way of accessing data stored in the memory. In standard Fast Page Mode (FPM) memory, a time-consuming step was repeated for each piece of data accessed. But with EDO, this step was only performed once for a series of data, thereby saving time and speeding up memory recall. Because EDO memory could start fetching the next block of memory at the same time it was sending the previous one to the CPU, it significantly reduced wait times in data fetch cycles. However, with the advent of Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory (SDRAM) in the late 1990s, the usage of EDO started to decline. Despite this, EDO memory played a crucial role in emphasizing the importance of memory access speed for overall computer performance.


Extended Data Out, or EDO, is a type of random access memory (RAM) chip that improved upon earlier types like Fast Page Mode (FPM) memory. Below are three real-world examples concerning EDO technology:1. Personal Computing: EDO RAM was widely used in personal computers in the mid to late 1990s. At that time, personal computer memory was an area where EDO RAM often found its application. It improved the processing speed for tasks ranging from booting the operating system to running software.2. Network Servers: Servers during the same period also employed EDO memory. These machines required larger amounts of memory and faster processing speeds to efficiently serve multiple users or clients simultaneously. The enhanced speed provided by EDO RAM played a crucial role in making these servers more responsive.3. Workstations: Professional workstations used for tasks demanding high performance also utilized EDO technology. Workstations, whether used for scientific calculations, graphical processing, or computational purposes, leveraged EDO’s ability to maintain a pipeline of memory addresses so the CPU wouldn’t have to wait for the next memory address to be accessed.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Q: What is Extended Data Out (EDO)? A: EDO is a type of RAM (Random Access Memory) that improves on Fast Page Mode memory by allowing multiple memory read operations to take place at the same time.Q: How does Extended Data Out (EDO) work?A: EDO keeps the memory page open and holds the data, permitting another read while the first data is being transferred to the CPU. This overlap improves processing speed and efficiency.Q: What are the advantages of Extended Data Out (EDO) memory?A: EDO memory can provide up to 10-15% more bandwidth compared to Fast Page Mode memory. It processes memory read operations faster, which enhances system performance.Q: Is EDO still used in modern computers?A: No, EDO memory is considered outdated and has been replaced by newer memory technologies like SDRAM, DDR, and others, which provide higher performance.Q: Can EDO memory be used interchangeably with other types of memory, such as SDRAM?A: No, EDO memory cannot be used interchangeably with other memory types. The design and specification for each memory type are entirely different and not compatible.Q: Why was Extended Data Out (EDO) technology replaced?A: EDO technology was replaced because newer technologies, such as SDRAM and DDR, allow for much faster data transfer rates and overall improved system performance.Q: What types of systems used Extended Data Out (EDO) memory?A: EDO memory was commonly used in PCs from the mid-1990s. It was especially prevalent in computers that used Intel’s Pentium P5 Pentium microprocessors.Q: Does EDO memory require special hardware or software to operate?A: EDO memory works directly with the computer’s hardware (specifically, the motherboard). As such, it doesn’t require any special software. However, not all motherboards can support EDO memory.

Related Finance Terms

  • RAS (Row Address Strobe)
  • CAS (Column Address Strobe)
  • DRAM (Dynamic Random-Access Memory)
  • FPM (Fast Page Mode)
  • Latency Time

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