HyperTransport Bus


HyperTransport Bus is a high-speed, low latency, point-to-point link designed to increase the communication speed between integrated circuits in computers, servers, embedded systems, and networking and telecommunications equipment. It helps reduce the number of buses in a system, which can reduce system bottlenecks and enable today’s faster microprocessors to use system memory more efficiently. The technology is scalable and compatible with legacy PC buses while remaining open to future innovations.


The phonetic pronunciation of “HyperTransport Bus” is: “Hai-per-tran-sport Buss”

Key Takeaways

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  1. High-Speed Interconnect Technology: HyperTransport Bus is a high-speed, low-latency point-to-point link designed to increase the communication speed between integrated circuits in computers, servers, embedded systems, and networking and telecommunications equipment.
  2. Scalability: HyperTransport supports an impressive degree of scalability, with bus speeds that can theoretically reach up to 3.2 GHz. It’s also highly versatile, providing for up to 32 links which can be used simultaneously and independently.
  3. Advanced Technology: It offers advanced technology features like Hotplugging, allowing devices to be plugged and unplugged without powering down the system, and unidirectional links, providing separate paths for input and output. These separated channels avoid the possible conflicts and interruptions that often come with bidirectional systems.



The technology term: HyperTransport Bus is important due to its key function in high-speed, low latency point-to-point link for interconnection of integrated circuits in a computer system. This technology was specifically designed to reduce the number of buses within the system, provide a high-performance link for applications ranging from embedded systems to personal computers and servers, and can also be used for inter-process communications in cluster computing. Its ability to provide a significantly higher bandwidth than traditional bus-based systems can lead to substantial improvements in system performance, making HyperTransport Bus an integral component of modern computer architecture.


HyperTransport Bus technology is a high-speed, low latency, point-to-point link designed to increase the communication speed between integrated circuits in computers, servers, embedded systems, and networking and telecommunications equipment. One of the primary purposes of the HyperTransport Bus is to replace the older, slower Front Side Bus, which was traditionally the main method of connecting the various elements of the core computing architecture. HyperTransport Bus aims to reduce the number of buses within the system, provide a high-performance link for applications, and enable highly scalable multiprocessing systems.HyperTransport Bus is used widely in various types of computing and electronic devices. For computers and servers, it offers improved system performance by connecting the processor and memory to the rest of the motherboard at increased data rates. This accelerated connection allows for more efficient data exchange, resulting in better overall system performance. In the context of telecommunications and networking equipment, HyperTransport Bus is utilized to connect multiple, high-performance microprocessors in routers and switches, enabling faster and more reliable data transmission. So, in essence, by providing a fast, direct route between the components, HyperTransport Bus technology is crucial to the smooth performance of the device it is integrated in.


1. AMD Processors: One of the most common real-world examples of the technology term “HyperTransport Bus” is the AMD processors. The Advanced Micro Devices company brought HyperTransport technology into mainstream processors like the AMD Athlon 64. This allowed the CPU to have a faster communication link with the memory, improving overall system performance.2. Servers and Workstations: Many servers and high-performance workstations that require high-speed data transmission also employ HyperTransport technology in their architecture. For example, the Sun Microsystems’ UltraSPARC T2 (Niagara 2) processors use HyperTransport to connect the processor to the system memory and I/O system. 3. Microsoft Xbox 360: The CPU of the Microsoft Xbox 360 gaming console uses HyperTransport technology. The Xbox’s architecture includes three PowerPC cores, and the channels between them utilize HyperTransport to enable efficient and rapid communication.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

**Q1: What is HyperTransport Bus?**A1: HyperTransport Bus is a high-speed, low latency, and point-to-point link designed to increase the communication speed between integrated circuits in computers and servers. It was developed by a consortium of manufacturers, led by AMD, and is used primarily in the computer and server market.**Q2: What is the main purpose of the HyperTransport Bus?**A2: The main purpose of the HyperTransport Bus is to reduce the number of buses within the system, provide a high-performance link for interconnecting chips and enhance the performance of computer systems by enabling faster data transfer.**Q3: How fast is the HyperTransport Bus?**A3: The speed of the HyperTransport Bus is scalable and highly flexible, but it can theoretically achieve speeds up to 2.4 GHz. The actual speed will depends on the configuration of the computer system.**Q4: How does the HyperTransport Bus improve computer performance?**A4: HyperTransport Bus allows for quicker and more efficient communication between the processor and other hardware components within the computer. By doing this, the computer is able to process and execute tasks much faster, improving the overall performance of the computer.**Q5: Where is HyperTransport Bus used?**A5: HyperTransport Bus is mostly used in servers, routers, and embedded systems where high-speed data transfer is crucial. It can also be found in some high-end desktop and workstation platforms.**Q6: Is HyperTransport Bus compatible with other technologies?**A6: Yes, HyperTransport Bus can be used alongside other bus technologies such as PCI Express, providing a high-speed interconnect between different parts of the system.**Q7: How does HyperTransport Bus compare to other data transfer technologies?**A7: HyperTransport Bus offers a higher throughput and lower latency compared to other data transfer technologies such as AGP and PCI. HyperTransport Bus is also scalable, and has a simpler and more flexible design. **Q8: What kind of devices can be attached to HyperTransport bus?**A8: Devices such as CPUs, network interfaces, memory and peripheral interfaces can be attached to HyperTransport Bus.**Q9: Can HyperTransport Bus be leveraged in Non-uniform memory access (NUMA) architectures?**A9: Yes, HyperTransport Bus can be used in NUMA architectures where it can help to improve the I/O connectivity and speed as well as lower the latency.

Related Tech Terms

  • Point-to-Point Architecture
  • Daisy Chain Topology
  • Non-blocking Switching
  • Bidirectional Data Transfer
  • Clock Speeds

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