Extended Validation SSL

Definition of Extended Validation SSL

Extended Validation SSL (EV SSL) is a type of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate that offers a higher level of security and credibility for websites. It requires a more rigorous validation process for companies to obtain the certificate, ensuring that the organization is legitimate and trustworthy. EV SSL certificates help improve user confidence by displaying a green address bar and organization name in the browser, indicating that the website has been authenticated and secured.


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Key Takeaways

  1. Extended Validation SSL (EV SSL) provides the highest level of security and trust for a website by validating the organization’s identity and legitimacy through a rigorous verification process.
  2. EV SSL certificates display the organization’s name and country in the address bar’s green text, providing users with instant visual assurance that the website they’re visiting is genuine and secure.
  3. Using an EV SSL certificate can lead to increased customer confidence, improved online reputation, and potentially higher conversion rates for online businesses.

Importance of Extended Validation SSL

Extended Validation SSL (EV SSL) is an important technology term because it refers to a type of SSL certificate that offers the highest level of trust and security for a website, protecting sensitive information and providing users with confidence in their online transactions.

Websites with an EV SSL certificate undergo a rigorous validation process, proving the legitimacy of the organization and domain ownership before it’s issued by a Certificate Authority (CA). This results in a visible green padlock and organization name in the browser’s address bar, giving users a visual cue the site has met the stringent security standards.

As cybercrime and phishing attacks continue to evolve, the importance of EV SSL increases in safeguarding user’s personal and financial information, ensuring secure communication, and enhancing the credibility of online businesses.


Extended Validation SSL (EV SSL) is a specific type of SSL certificate that is designed to provide the highest level of trust and assurance for online transactions. The purpose of EV SSL is to establish an organization’s identity and legitimacy on the Internet, while also offering robust encryption to protect sensitive user data.

Businesses and organizations opt for an EV SSL certificate to not only ensure secure transactions between their web server and a user’s browser, but also to project a higher level of credibility and professionalism to their online users. The use of an EV SSL certificate leads to the display of a green padlock symbol and the organization’s name beside the website URL in the address bar, making it easy for users to verify the legitimacy of a website.

This visible verification acts as a deterrent to potential phishing attacks and promotes customer confidence in the safety of online transactions. EV SSL is particularly important for e-commerce websites, financial institutions, and any organization that collects sensitive information from users, as it helps them uphold the integrity of their digital presence and build trust among their customer base.

Examples of Extended Validation SSL

Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificates are digital certificates that provide an enhanced level of trust and security for online transactions by requiring a rigorous vetting process before issuance and by displaying the verified company details within the browser. Here are three real-world examples of organizations utilizing EV SSL certificates:

Banking & Financial Institutions: Online banking websites like Bank of America (www.bankofamerica.com) and Wells Fargo (www.wellsfargo.com) use EV SSL certificates to enhance the trust of their customers. When customers access their accounts on these websites, they can verify the organization’s legitimacy by observing the green address bar with the verified company name in their browser. This EV SSL feature helps reduce the prevalence of phishing attacks and online fraud.

E-commerce & Retail Websites: Online retail giants like eBay (www.ebay.com) and Alibaba (www.alibaba.com) use EV SSL certificates to ensure a safe shopping experience for their users. When a user visits these websites, they can be sure that their sensitive data, such as credit card information and personal details, will be securely transmitted and protected by the SSL certificate. Additionally, the displayed green address bar with the company’s verified name boosts customers’ confidence, which helps increase sales conversions.

Government & Public Services: Government websites, such as the United States Postal Service (www.usps.com) and the European Union’s official website (europa.eu), use EV SSL certificates to secure online services and transactions for their citizens. These websites handle sensitive information, such as citizens’ personal data and passport information, and hence require a higher level of security. Utilizing EV SSL certificates assures users that they are interacting with a legitimate government website and that their data will be protected during transmission.

Extended Validation SSL Frequently Asked Questions

What is Extended Validation SSL?

Extended Validation SSL (EV SSL) is a type of SSL certificate that requires the most extensive verification process. It provides the highest level of trust and authentication for a website, displaying a company’s name and country in the browser address bar alongside a padlock icon.

How does Extended Validation SSL provide better security?

EV SSL offers better security by ensuring that the company obtaining the certificate has undergone a thorough identity verification process. This minimizes the risk of phishing attacks and helps users trust that they are interacting with a legitimate website.

What is the verification process for obtaining an EV SSL certificate?

The verification process for EV SSL typically involves verifying the legal identity, physical location, and operational existence of an organization. Additionally, it requires confirming the organization’s domain ownership and ensuring the right to use the domain.

How much does an Extended Validation SSL certificate cost?

The cost of an EV SSL certificate varies depending on the Certificate Authority (CA) issuing the certificate. Prices can range anywhere from a couple of hundred dollars to over a thousand dollars per year.

How long does it take to obtain an Extended Validation SSL certificate?

The issuance time for an EV SSL certificate can take anywhere from a few business days to a few weeks, depending on when the CA receives all the necessary documentation and how quickly the organization can complete the verification process.

What browsers are compatible with Extended Validation SSL certificates?

Extended Validation SSL certificates are compatible with most modern web browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari, and others. Older browsers may not fully support or display the enhanced visual cues associated with EV SSL.

How do I install an Extended Validation SSL certificate on my website?

To install an EV SSL certificate on your website, first purchase and obtain the certificate, then follow your web host or server’s documentation for installing SSL certificates. Specific steps may vary based on your hosting or server environment.

Related Technology Terms

  • HTTPS Protocol
  • Identity Verification
  • Certificate Authority (CA)
  • Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
  • Encryption

Sources for More Information


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