
Green Computing


Green computing refers to the environmentally responsible use of computers and related resources. It involves the design, manufacture, use, and disposal of computers and servers with minimal or no impact on the environment. Furthermore, green computing emphasizes energy efficiency, recycling, waste reduction, and encouraging use of renewable resources.


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Key Takeaways

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Three Main Takeaways on Green Computing

  1. Environmentally Responsible Use of Computers: Green computing is the development and practice of eco-friendly and energy efficient computing resources.
  2. Reduction of Energy Usage: It promotes the reduction of energy usage which can have a significant financial benefit for organizations and individuals.
  3. Disposal and Recycling Methods: Proper disposal and recycling methods are key components, ensuring that outdated or broken electronics are disposed of in a way that’s safe for the environment.

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Green Computing is incredibly important as it pertains to the environmentally responsible use of computers and other electronic resources. Its importance stems not only from the need to reduce energy consumption for cost-saving purposes but also because of its crucial role in mitigating the adverse environmental impact of massive e-waste and carbon emissions. Essentially, green computing encourages the design, manufacturing, and disposal of computers, servers, monitors, printers, and other electronic devices in a manner that reduces their environmental impact. By promoting recycling practices, power management, and the use of biodegradable materials, green computing underlines sustainable technology practices that are key to a future where technological advancements and environmental sustainability can go hand in hand.


Green computing, often referred to as IT sustainability, is an environmentally conscious approach to designing, manufacturing, using, and disposing of computers, servers, peripherals, and other associated subsystems such as printers, storage devices, and networking and communication systems. The purpose of green computing is to reduce the environmental impact, particularly the carbon footprint and energy usage, of these technologies. This is achieved by employing sustainable production methods, energy-efficient systems, and recycling protocols.Green computing initiatives serve various purposes beyond the immediate benefit of reducing energy usage. For instance, they help businesses cut down operating costs, improve system performance and efficiency, and promote corporate social responsibility. Green computing can also yield IT operational gains as less energy consumption results in fewer system disruptions and increased lifespan of equipment. Furthermore, green computing extends to better product end-of-life strategies that promote proper electronic waste management, reducing e-waste harmful effects on the environment. Therefore, green computing serves both the environment and efficiency objectives.


1. Energy Star Certified Devices: Many companies now deliver products that are Energy Star certified, which means they meet certain standards in energy efficiency. These can range from desktop and laptop computers, monitors and other peripherals, to printers and scanners. 2. Virtualization: Traditionally, companies would use one server for each application they run, resulting in many servers running at low capacity. Virtualization is a technology that allows multiple virtual machines to run on a single physical server, dramatically reducing the number of servers needed and thereby saving energy.3. Cloud Computing: Cloud computing is another example of green computing as it reduces the need for local servers and hardware. Many companies, such as Google and Microsoft, offer cloud computing services where companies can rent out storage or computing power. This reduces the need for individual companies to maintain their own servers and infrastructure, utilizing their resources more efficiently and reducing their carbon footprint.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

**Q: What is Green Computing?**A: Green Computing, also known as Green IT, refers to environmentally sustainable computing. It involves practices that reduce the amount of energy and environmental waste produced by our computing technologies.**Q: Why is Green Computing important?**A: Green Computing is important because it reduces the harmful effects technologies have on the environment by reducing energy consumption, using less harmful materials, and promoting recyclability or biodegradability of unused tech products.**Q: What are some Green Computing practices?**A: Some of the practices include power management, virtualization, improving cooling efficiency, proper recycling or disposal of old computers, and building new, energy-efficient devices.**Q: What is Energy Star in relation to Green Computing?**A: Energy Star is an international standard for energy efficient consumer products. Devices carrying the Energy Star logo, such as computer products and peripherals, save 20%-30% on average.**Q: What is E-waste and how does it relate to Green Computing?**A: E-waste refers to discarded electronic devices and components. Green Computing aims to reduce E-waste by promoting proper disposal of this waste to avoid serious environmental harm.**Q: What is Cloud Computing in Green Computing?**A: Cloud Computing is a Green IT practice where shared resources, software, and information are provided to users over the internet. This allows for more efficient use of resources, reducing the number of servers and the energy needed to power them. **Q: How can individuals contribute to Green Computing?**A: Individuals can contribute by prioritising energy efficiency when buying tech products, using power saving modes, recycling old devices responsibly, and not unnecessarily upgrading to new devices. **Q: What is the role of virtualization in Green Computing?**A: Virtualization is a key Green Computing strategy that allows for the creation of a virtual version of resources such as desktops, servers, storage devices, or network resources. This reduces the number of physical devices needed, thereby reducing energy consumption.

Related Tech Terms

  • E-Waste Management
  • Energy-efficient Hardware
  • Virtualization
  • Data Center Power Management
  • Cloud Computing

Sources for More Information


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