

Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people, where the desire for conformity and harmony results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making process. Members of the group tend to agree with each other to avoid conflict, leading to a lack of critical evaluation and potentially damaging outcomes. In the context of technology, groupthink may hinder innovation, problem-solving, and limit diverse perspectives on critical projects.


The phonetics of the keyword “Groupthink” in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /ˈɡruːpˌθɪŋk/.

Key Takeaways

  1. Groupthink occurs when a group favors conformity over critical thinking and makes decisions without considering alternative perspectives or potential consequences.
  2. Groupthink can lead to poor decision-making, limited creativity, and a lack of innovation as the group remains focused on maintaining internal harmony and unanimity.
  3. Minimizing groupthink requires fostering open communication, encouraging dissent, and promoting the evaluation of various options to ensure sound decision-making.


The technology term “groupthink” is important because it highlights the potential dangers of collective decision-making within a team, organization, or even an online community.

Groupthink refers to a psychological phenomenon where individuals within a group prioritize conformity and consensus over critical thinking and an unbiased evaluation of alternative ideas.

This can lead to suboptimal decisions, irrational actions, and a lack of creativity and innovation, which can be particularly detrimental within technology-driven industries that rely on constant evolution and progress.

By being aware of groupthink, individuals and organizations can take steps to encourage diverse perspectives, foster open communication, and create an environment where unconventional ideas are valued and appreciated, thus mitigating the negative impacts of groupthink and enhancing their overall decision-making capabilities.


Groupthink, a term coined by psychologist Irving Janis, is a phenomenon that occurs within a cohesive group where the desire for unanimity and harmony surpasses the objective of critically evaluating alternative viewpoints and potential solutions. The purpose of groupthink is not to promote efficient decision-making, but rather to maintain group cohesion, which in turn can lead to flawed results.

It often stems from the fear of disagreement and the discomfort associated with discord, thus negatively impacting the team’s ability to think creatively and consider diverse perspectives. In various settings, such as the corporate world or governmental policy-making, groupthink may lead to suboptimal decisions, stifling innovation, and a lack of creativity.

A team involved in groupthink might prematurely accept a consensus viewpoint, without thoroughly examining alternatives. This could result in costly mistakes or missed opportunities.

To counter groupthink, fostering a culture that encourages open dialogue, constructive criticism, and supporting diverse opinions can help organizations reach more balanced and well-considered decisions.

Examples of Groupthink

Groupthink isn’t a technology; it is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people in which the desire for harmony or conformity leads to irrational or dysfunctional decision-making. However, I can provide three real-world examples of groupthink that have taken place in various settings:

The Challenger Space Shuttle Disaster (1986): NASA engineers and decision-makers ignored warnings about potential flaws with the O-Rings on the Challenger shuttle due to groupthink. The group was under immense pressure to meet launch deadlines and maintain a positive image, resulting in them disregarding crucial information. The shuttle tragically exploded shortly after launch, leading to the loss of all seven crew members on board.

The Bay of Pigs Invasion (1961): During the planning and execution of this failed invasion of Cuba by the United States, government officials and military planners fell into the trap of groupthink. Key dissenting voices and crucial information were ignored, leading to a flawed plan that ultimately failed miserably.

The Financial Crisis of 2008: The global financial industry experienced massive groupthink in the years leading up to the financial crisis. Many believed that housing prices would continue to rise indefinitely and traded in risky financial instruments that led to the collapse of the market. This groupthink led to insufficient questioning, assumptions, and information sharing among key industry players and oversight bodies, all of which contributed significantly to the 2008 financial meltdown.


FAQs on Groupthink

What is groupthink?

Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of individuals in which the desire for harmony, conformity, and consensus leads to irrational and dysfunctional decision-making. This occurs when the pressure to agree overrides the rational evaluation of alternatives.

What are the main characteristics of groupthink?

Some main characteristics of groupthink include the illusion of invulnerability, collective rationalization, the belief in inherent group morality, stereotyping out-group members, the pressure to conform, self-censorship of dissent, the illusion of unanimity, and the emergence of self-appointed mind guards.

What are the potential dangers of groupthink?

Groupthink can lead to flawed decision-making, the suppression of alternative ideas and viewpoints, inadequate evaluation of risks and consequences, the creation of unrealistic action plans, and a decline in the overall effectiveness of the group’s problem-solving abilities.

How can groupthink be prevented or minimized?

There are several strategies to prevent or minimize groupthink, including encouraging open discussion and critical evaluation of ideas, appointing a devil’s advocate, seeking input from external sources, fostering an atmosphere of trust and openness, and promoting individual accountability and responsibility in decision-making processes.


Related Technology Terms

  • Conformity
  • Decision-making
  • Consensus
  • Peer pressure
  • Collective rationalization

Sources for More Information


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