


Hadapt is a data analytics platform that combines the capabilities of SQL and Hadoop, allowing users to analyze structured and unstructured data in a single environment. Founded in 2011 as a start-up, the company was acquired by Teradata in 2014, integrating Hadapt’s technology into their product offerings. Hadapt essentially simplifies big data analytics by offering a scalable and integrated solution for businesses.


The phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “Hadapt” is: /hÉ™’dæpt/

Key Takeaways

  1. Hadapt was an innovative big-data analytics platform that combined the power of Hadoop and relational databases to provide high-performance analytics on structured and unstructured data.
  2. The company was acquired by Teradata in 2014, integrating its technology into the Teradata Unified Data Architecture to enhance data processing and analytics capabilities.
  3. Hadapt’s approach to integrating Hadoop with SQL made it a unique and valuable solution for businesses looking to derive insights from large, diverse datasets within a familiar and accessible framework.


Hadapt, a term derived from the combination of Hadoop and Adaptive, is an important technology term because it represents a significant advancement in big data analytics.

Hadapt introduced a hybrid cloud-based data management platform that integrates structured (SQL) and unstructured (Hadoop) data, allowing companies to leverage the benefits of both systems.

This innovative approach allows for faster, easier, and more efficient data analysis and ensures scalability and flexibility in managing large datasets.

It enables businesses to make informed decisions by providing a more comprehensive view of their data and responding quickly to emerging trends and market demands.

Additionally, Hadapt’s unique technology simplifies the deployment and management of big data infrastructure, ultimately making it more accessible to a broader range of organizations and industries.


Hadapt, now known as Teradata Aster, came into existence after its acquisition by Teradata, aiming to provide an innovative data analytics platform. The primary purpose of Hadapt is to offer users an efficient way of handling both structured and unstructured data, taking advantage of the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and SQL-on-Hadoop capabilities.

This amalgamation allows businesses and organizations to achieve seamless data processing, storage, and analytical insights, particularly from large-scale datasets. The platform combines the best of both worlds – the high scalability and flexibility of Hadoop, as well as the powerful querying capabilities of SQL, simplifying big data analytics tasks and making it accessible for even non-technical users.

One of the essential features that make Hadapt an optimal solution for data analysis is its adaptive and distributed nature. It enables users to capitalize on the parallel processing capabilities of Hadoop clusters, allowing organizations to scale their analytics and storage capacities based on their needs and demands.

With the integration of SQL-on-Hadoop, Hadapt provides a familiar and accessible interface for data analysts to perform complex queries and obtain valuable insights without getting too deeply involved with the underlying technicalities of Hadoop. As a result, Hadapt empowers businesses to make more informed and data-driven decisions, spot new trends and opportunities, and uncover hidden patterns, all while reducing the complexity of managing big data.

Examples of Hadapt

Hadapt, now acquired by Teradata, was a big data analytics platform that provided a powerful solution for organizations to process and analyze large volumes of structured and unstructured data, often using SQL and Hadoop. Here are three real-world examples of how Hadapt was used:

Online Advertising Analysis: Hadapt was used by several companies in the online advertising industry to analyze clickstream data. This data included user interactions, web logs, and other sources of information to gain insights on customer preferences and behavioral patterns. Hadapt’s integration with Hadoop allowed advertisers to process massive quantities of data, obtain actionable insights, and optimize their online campaigns.

Financial Services: Hadapt was utilized in the financial services sector to analyze large datasets on stock market trends, trading data, and social media. By using Hadapt’s analytics platform, financial analysts could better understand emerging market trends and make data-driven decisions for optimal investment strategies.

Bioinformatics: Research institutions and pharmaceutical companies employed Hadapt’s technology to analyze genomic data for personalized medicine and drug discovery applications. By analyzing patient genomics data at scale, Hadapt’s platform enabled researchers to develop targeted drug treatments or identify potential cures for various diseases.These real-world examples demonstrate Hadapt’s capacity to provide scalable, flexible, and powerful analytics capabilities to organizations in different industries, leveraging the advantages of Hadoop and SQL integration. Its acquisition by Teradata has led to the further enhancement of its capabilities, providing an integrated analytics platform as part of Teradata’s offering.

FAQ – Hadapt

What is Hadapt?

Hadapt is a data warehousing and analytics platform that combines the performance of parallel databases with the flexibility and scalability of Hadoop. It is designed for large scale data processing, storage, and analysis, allowing users to run complex queries and perform advanced analytics on their data.

What are the key features of Hadapt?

Some of the key features of Hadapt include native SQL support, advanced analytics capabilities, integrated data governance and security features, and compatibility with a wide range of Hadoop ecosystem tools and components.

How does Hadapt differ from traditional Hadoop solutions?

Hadapt differentiates itself from traditional Hadoop solutions by focusing on providing a unified ecosystem for SQL and Hadoop. It is designed to handle both structured and semi-structured data and allows users to perform complex SQL queries and intricate analytics operations conveniently.

Who can benefit from using Hadapt?

Organizations handling large amounts of data, especially those who have multiple types of data, such as structured and semi-structured data, can benefit significantly from using Hadapt. It is an ideal solution for businesses that are looking to capitalize on the vast potential of their data by implementing advanced analytics and data warehousing strategies.

Is Hadapt available as an open-source solution?

No, Hadapt is not available as an open-source solution. However, it utilizes a variety of open-source technologies, including Hadoop and its various components, to deliver its features and capabilities.

Related Technology Terms

  • Big Data Analytics
  • Adaptive Query Execution
  • Hybrid Storage Architecture
  • Scalable Data Processing
  • Hadoop Integration

Sources for More Information


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