


I2P, or the Invisible Internet Project, is an open-source, decentralized, and anonymous peer-to-peer network that enables secure and anonymous communication over the internet. It uses encryption and multiple layers of routing to obfuscate its users’ identities and traffic, providing a higher level of privacy. Being an overlay network, I2P functions on top of the regular internet, mainly offering services like web browsing, messaging, and file sharing.


The phonetic spelling of “I2P” would be “India Two Papa.”

Key Takeaways

  1. I2P is a privacy-focused, decentralized and end-to-end encrypted network layer designed for secure peer-to-peer communication.
  2. Unlike regular Internet usage, I2P offers anonymity to its users by routing traffic through a series of volunteer-operated servers, making it extremely difficult to trace communications back to the source.
  3. Applications such as email, file sharing, web browsing, and instant messaging can all be conducted within the I2P network to maintain privacy and avoid censorship or surveillance.


I2P, the Invisible Internet Project, is an important technology term because it represents a privacy-focused, encrypted, and decentralized network layer that allows secure and anonymous communication over the internet.

This network layer enables users to communicate without the risks of surveillance, censorship, or identity tracking, thus preserving their privacy and online freedom.

By utilizing end-to-end encryption and a system of tunnels, I2P makes it difficult to link users with their online activities, enabling them to exchange information and access content with a high level of security and anonymity.

As a result, I2P plays a significant role in protecting digital rights and maintaining the principles of an open and accessible internet for all users.


I2P, or the Invisible Internet Project, serves an important purpose in today’s digital world by fostering an environment that prioritizes privacy and security. This open-source, decentralized, and peer-to-peer network overlay allows users to exchange data securely and anonymously, ensuring that their online activities remain untraceable.

I2P’s primary objective is to create a robust and secure environment for communication, social networking, and even file-sharing, catering to individuals who are concerned about their privacy as well as dissidents and whistleblowers whose safety depends on remaining concealed from surveillance or censorship. I2P achieves its objective of ensuring privacy and security through various encryption layers and routing strategies, such as garlic routing.

This technique is similar to the onion routing used by Tor, but with additional encryption layers that further protect the data being transmitted. Moreover, I2P runs its own network of nodes, which significantly reduces the chances of monitoring, tracking, or blocking users’ data.

As a result, the platform has gained traction among users seeking confidential channels for activities like messaging, accessing content on the dark web, hosting websites, or sharing files, without fear of having their digital footprint scrutinized or exploited. The Invisible Internet Project plays a crucial role in upholding the values of privacy, anonymity, and freedom in online spaces.

Examples of I2P

Secure Email Services: Within the I2P network, there are various secure email providers, such as I2P-Bote and I2Pmail. These services offer users an increased level of privacy in their email communications by routing messages through the I2P network to keep the sender’s and recipient’s identity anonymous. Messages are encrypted and distributed across multiple servers, which helps prevent surveillance and tracking.

Anonymous File Sharing: I2P enables users to share files with complete anonymity. The file-sharing services available on the I2P network, such as I2P-IFSN (I2P Invisible File Sharing Network) and Tahoe-LAFS (Least Authority File System), allow users to securely share and store files while maintaining their privacy. These services use end-to-end encryption and offer redundancy due to the distributed storage system. I2PSnark is a torrent client specifically designed for anonymous file-sharing within the I2P network.

Privacy-focused Websites and Online Services: The I2P network hosts privacy-focused websites called eepsites, which are similar to the regular internet’s websites but accessible only within the I2P network. These eepsites provide various services, such as forums, chat rooms, search engines, and blogging platforms, while preserving the users’ anonymity. Users can access these services without fear of being tracked or revealing their identity and can also create their eepsites to share information and communicate securely.

I2P Frequently Asked Questions

What is I2P?

I2P, or Invisible Internet Project, is a decentralized, anonymizing network that allows users to communicate securely and privately. It uses encryption and a volunteer-based network of routers to protect both the message content and the identity of its users.

How does I2P work?

I2P works by creating a distributed network of routers run by volunteers around the world. When you send a message or access a service on I2P, your data is encrypted and sent through multiple routers in the network. These routers only know the previous and next router in the chain, not the originator or final destination of the data. This makes it nearly impossible to trace the message back to you or the recipient.

What are the benefits of using I2P?

I2P provides several benefits, including:
1. Anonymity: Both the sender and receiver’s identities are protected from surveillance.
2. Censorship resistance: I2P makes it difficult for governments or other entities to block or remove content.
3. Decentralized: No central point of control or failure, making it resilient to attacks.
4. Peer-to-peer: Supports peer-to-peer communication, reducing dependence on centralized services.
5. Security: Strong encryption techniques ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your data.

How can I access I2P?

To access the I2P network, you will need to download and install the I2P software, which is available for various operating systems. Once installed and configured, you can use I2P-enabled applications to browse eepsites (I2P’s version of websites), send and receive emails, or use other services within the network.

Is I2P legal?

Yes, I2P is legal. It is a privacy-enhancing tool designed to protect your online communications. However, like any technology, it can be misused for illegal purposes. The user is responsible for ensuring their activity on the network complies with the laws of their jurisdiction.

How does I2P compare to Tor?

I2P and Tor are both anonymous networks, but they have some key differences:
1. Focus: While Tor primarily focuses on providing access to the regular internet (clearnet) anonymously, I2P is designed for anonymous communication within the I2P network.
2. Routing: I2P uses a unidirectional, decentralized routing system, while Tor uses a bidirectional, centralized directory system.
3. Network structure: I2P is a fully distributed, peer-to-peer network, while Tor relies on a centralized directory of trusted nodes.
4. Services: I2P focuses on creating native services within the network (e.g., eepsites), while Tor primarily focuses on anonymizing your access to the clearnet.

Related Technology Terms


  • Eepsite
  • Garlic Routing
  • Invisible Internet Project
  • Tunnel
  • I2P Network


Sources for More Information


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