
Information Technology Association Of America


The Information Technology Association of America (ITAA) was a leading industry trade group that represented the interests of information technology companies in the United States. Established in 1963, the ITAA focused on advocacy, public policy, and promoting professional development and industry standards. However, in 2008, the ITAA merged with the Government Electronics and Information Technology Association (GEIA) to form a new organization called TechAmerica, which later merged with CompTIA in 2014.


Here is the phonetic pronunciation of “Information Technology Association of America”:ɪn-fər-ˈmā-shən tek-ˈnä-lə-jē ə-ˌsō-sē-ˈā-shən əv ə-ˈmer-ə-kə

Key Takeaways

  1. The Information Technology Association of America (ITAA) was a leading industry trade group that represented the interests of various technology companies. Their primary focus was to promote the growth and development of the technology sector, supporting innovation and competitiveness in the global market.
  2. ITAA played a significant role in advocating for public policy initiatives such as digital infrastructure development, cybersecurity, data privacy, software regulations, and copyright protection. The association collaborated with the government and other industry leaders to address the issues and challenges faced by the technology sector.
  3. In 2009, the ITAA merged with the Government Electronics and Information Technology Association (GEIA) and the Cyber Security Industry Alliance (CSIA) to form TechAmerica. This expanded association continued to serve the technology industry, offering resources, networking opportunities, policy updates, and other support crucial for the success of technology businesses and professionals.


The Information Technology Association of America (ITAA) is crucial in the world of technology because it serves as a unifying voice and advocate for the information technology industry in the United States.

As a non-profit trade organization, ITAA is dedicated to promoting innovation, education, and public policy related to information technology, making it an essential resource for businesses, professionals, and policymakers.

The ITAA helps to foster collaboration among technology companies and stakeholders, providing networking opportunities and creating a platform for sharing best practices, research, and intelligence.

By working together with both the public and private sectors, ITAA aims to advance the global competitiveness and productivity of the American technology industry, thereby playing a critical role in shaping the future of technology in the U.S.

and beyond.


The Information Technology Association of America (ITAA) was primarily established to serve as a unifying voice and advocate for the information technology (IT) industry in the United States. As a leading trade association, its primary purpose was to ensure that the interests of its member companies were well-represented within both the governmental and private sector spaces.

Through lobbying, policy research, and public relations initiatives, ITAA sought to facilitate collaboration and business growth in the ever-evolving technology landscape. By providing networking opportunities, resources, and tools, ITAA aimed to bolster the competitiveness of American IT companies at home and on the global stage.

In addition to promoting the interests of IT businesses, ITAA was deeply committed to addressing the broader challenges that affected the entire industry, such as workforce development, education, and cybersecurity. By actively engaging with stakeholders from various sectors, ITAA played a critical role in crafting solutions and best practices that ensured the long-term resilience and vitality of the IT ecosystem.

Ultimately, the Information Technology Association of America functioned as a strategic partner, advocate, and go-to resource for the U.S. IT industry players, working together to create opportunities and drive meaningful progress in an increasingly interconnected world.

Examples of Information Technology Association Of America

The Information Technology Association of America (ITAA) was a trade association in the United States that represented the interests of information technology companies and promoted the growth of the industry. While the ITAA is no longer active, as it merged with other associations to form TechAmerica, its work has had significant impacts on IT policy, standards, and practices. Here are three real-world examples of the ITAA’s contributions to the field of information technology:

Development of Technology Policy and Frameworks: The ITAA, in collaboration with governmental organizations and academic institutions, actively participated in the development of technology policy and frameworks in the United States. Some of the key topics addressed during its time include cybersecurity and privacy, e-commerce transactions, data protection, intellectual property rights, and federal technology procurement strategies. These discussions and recommendations enabled a more secure and efficient IT environment for businesses and individuals alike.

Creation of Industry Standards: The ITAA played an integral role in setting industry standards to ensure interoperability, security, and technology convergence. Through close collaboration with industry partners, the ITAA helped to develop standards for critical technologies like data encryption, software quality assurance, and network protocols. These standards laid the foundation for many of today’s essential products and services, including secure e-commerce platforms, reliable cloud services, and efficient network communication systems.

Advancement of Workforce Training and Certification Programs: To address the skill gap within the IT industry, the ITAA took the initiative to establish workforce training and certification programs, including specialized courses focusing on high-demand areas such as cybersecurity, software development, and data analytics. These programs helped professionals build their skillsets and stay competitive in an evolving technology landscape while also providing a benchmark for employers to assess an individual’s capabilities in these fields.

Frequently Asked Questions about Information Technology Association of America

What is the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA)?

The Information Technology Association of America (ITAA) is a professional organization and representative body for the United States’ information technology industry. Its primary objective is to promote industry growth, advocate for favorable policies, and offer networking opportunities for its members.

What kinds of services and activities does the ITAA provide?

The ITAA offers a wide range of services and activities for its members, including professional development resources, networking events, industry conferences, and educational seminars. Additionally, it represents the interests of its members in discussions and negotiations with policymakers and stakeholders in the information technology sector.

Who can become a member of the ITAA?

Membership in the ITAA is open to any individual, company, or organization involved in the information technology industry, including hardware manufacturers, software developers, service providers, and IT professionals. The association also welcomes students and academic institutions who are pursuing information technology education and career advancement.

What are the benefits of joining the ITAA?

Members of the ITAA enjoy various benefits, such as access to industry insights, exclusive networking opportunities, professional development resources, and connections with like-minded professionals. They also receive updates on the latest industry trends, can participate in advocating for favorable technology policies, and gain exposure to potential business partners.

How can I join the ITAA?

To join the ITAA, you can visit their website and complete the membership application form online. Alternatively, you may contact their office directly for assistance and additional information about the membership process, benefits, and fees.

Has the ITAA merged with another organization?

In 2009, the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA) merged with the Government Electronics and Information Technology Association (GEIA) to form a new organization called TechAmerica. TechAmerica functioned similarly to ITAA, providing networking opportunities, advocating for the industry, and offering resources for its members. In 2014, TechAmerica was acquired by the nonprofit CompTIA, which continues to support and represent the IT sector.

Related Technology Terms

  • Information Technology Standards
  • IT Workforce Development
  • ITAA Public Policy Advocacy
  • Technology Trade Association
  • Data Privacy and Security

Sources for More Information


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