
Intel 8008


The Intel 8008 is an early microprocessor designed and manufactured by Intel, released in April 1972. It is an 8-bit microprocessor with a 14-bit address bus, which could address up to 16KB of memory. The Intel 8008 was a precursor to the more popular Intel 8080 and has played a pivotal role in the development of the microcomputing industry.


The phonetics for the keyword “Intel 8008” can be described as:- I: India (Short “i” sound, like the “i” in “inch”)- N: November (Pronounced like the “n” in “nice”)- T: Tango (Pronounced like the “t” in “tan”)- E: Echo (Pronounced like the “e” in “easy”)- L: Lima (Pronounced like the “l” in “love”)- Space- 8: Eight (Pronounced like the word “eight”)- 0: Zero (Pronounced like the word “zero”)- 0: Zero (Pronounced like the word “zero”)- 8: Eight (Pronounced like the word “eight”)

Key Takeaways

  1. The Intel 8008 was an early 8-bit microprocessor, released in 1972, which played a crucial role in the evolution of personal computing.
  2. It was the first CPU to use a single integrated circuit chip, making it a more compact and efficient solution for electronic devices and setting the stage for future microprocessors.
  3. Despite its limitations, such as a slow clock speed and low memory, the 8008’s innovative design led to the development of its successors like the popular Intel 8080 and the x86 architecture still in use today.


The technology term “Intel 8008” is important because it refers to a historically significant microprocessor developed by Intel Corporation in 1972 that laid the groundwork for the microcomputing revolution.

As the first 8-bit microprocessor produced by the company, it allowed for expanded processing capabilities and paved the way for the creation of various electronic devices, from calculators to early computer systems.

The Intel 8008 also served as the backbone for the development of advanced processors such as the Intel 8080 and the Zilog Z80, which ultimately propelled the industry towards the microprocessors we know today.

By introducing new features and functionalities, the Intel 8008 played a crucial role in making computers and digital technology more accessible, fostering innovation and transforming the modern digital landscape.


The Intel 8008 microprocessor served as a vital foundation for modern computing by enabling greater integration of complex functions in computing systems. Its purpose was to provide a compact and efficient solution for managing various tasks in early computer systems, laying the groundwork for the sophisticated digital technologies that followed.

As an 8-bit microprocessor, the Intel 8008 allowed computer developers to create low-cost, compact devices capable of handling diverse sets of instructions, thus revolutionizing the world of computing at the time. Introduced in 1972, the widely adopted Intel 8008 microprocessor facilitated the development of a range of technology applications, including calculators, terminals, printers, and other computing peripherals.

Its less demanding power requirements and versatile compatibility with peripheral devices made it an ideal choice for implementing into various systems. Ultimately, the Intel 8008 fueled a new era of scalable computing architectures, giving birth to a multitude of industries and innovative use-cases that transformed the way people communicate, work, and interact with the digital world.

Examples of Intel 8008

The Intel 8008 microprocessor, introduced in 1972, played a significant role in various technological advancements of the time. Here are three real-world examples of its applications:

Datapoint 2200 Terminal: Developed by the Computer Terminal Corporation (later known as Datapoint Corporation), the Datapoint 2200 was an early programmable terminal that used Intel’s 8008 microprocessor. It was essentially an all-in-one computer and was considered a predecessor to personal computers. Datapoint 2200 Terminal allowed users to connect to mainframe computers and perform various tasks, including data entry and storage.

CTC’s Advanced Communications Controller (ACC): The Intel 8008 microprocessor was also utilized in an early Advanced Communications Controller developed by CTC. The controller facilitated communication between the Datapoint 2200 Terminal and large mainframe systems. This helped in handling multiple user terminals and centralizing computing resources.

Heathkit H8: Launched in 1977, the Heathkit H8 was an early personal computer kit based on the 8008 microprocessor. It was one of the first consumer products that featured a CPU from the Intel 8000 series, which paved the way for more advanced and powerful personal computers. The H8 provided users with various computing capabilities, including BASIC programming and a command line interface for operation.

Intel 8008 FAQ

What is the Intel 8008?

The Intel 8008 is an early microprocessor, designed by Intel and released in 1972. It was the first 8-bit microprocessor and the basis for the later, more popular Intel 8080 and 8085 processors. The 8008 was limited by its 14-bit address space, but it initiated the evolution of the modern personal computer.

What is the history of the Intel 8008?

The Intel 8008 was initially designed for the Datapoint 2200 programmable terminal. However, due to various delays in its production, Datapoint decided to go with another processor. Intel later decided to release the 8008 as a stand-alone product, making it the first general-purpose microprocessor in the market.

What are the main features of the Intel 8008?

The Intel 8008 has an 8-bit architecture and a 14-bit address bus, allowing it to address up to 16 KB of memory. It had 74 instructions and seven 8-bit registers. The 8008’s clock speed ranged from 500 kHz to 800 kHz, and its design was based on PMOS technology.

What was the Intel 8008 used for?

The Intel 8008 was used in various early computer systems, such as the Mark-8 and Micral-N, which were some of the first microcomputer systems. It was also used in industrial control systems, early point-of-sale terminals, and various hobbyist projects. Although it had limitations compared to later processors, it set the stage for the development of modern personal computing.

How did the Intel 8008 evolve into the Intel 8080?

Intel built upon the experience from the 8008 and designed the Intel 8080, which was released in 1974. The 8080 addressed the limitations of the 8008 by providing a 16-bit address bus, an extended instruction set, a more efficient implementation of registers, and a faster clock speed. The Intel 8080 quickly gained popularity and became the foundation for several early personal computers, such as the MITS Altair 8800 and the IMSAI 8080.

Related Technology Terms

  • Microprocessor
  • 8-bit architecture
  • Central Processing Unit (CPU)
  • Computer History
  • Intel MCS-8

Sources for More Information


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