Internal Cloud


Internal Cloud, also known as a private cloud, refers to a cloud computing environment that is exclusively designed, built, and managed within an organization’s own infrastructure. The primary purpose of an internal cloud is to provide IT services and resources to the organization’s internal users in a secure and controlled manner. By implementing internal cloud, an organization can enjoy the benefits of cloud computing, such as scalability and resource optimization, while maintaining control and privacy over its data and systems.


The phonetic spelling of the keyword “Internal Cloud” would be:ɪnˈtɜrnl klaʊd

Key Takeaways

  1. Internal Cloud, also known as Private Cloud, offers a dedicated and secure cloud environment exclusive to a single organization.
  2. It enables companies to have more control over their data, infrastructure, and security, while maintaining scalability and flexibility similar to public clouds.
  3. The Internal Cloud is often preferred by organizations with strict data management, compliance, and security requirements, providing them an ideal solution that can be customized to their needs.


The term “Internal Cloud” is important because it represents a significant shift in how organizations manage and store their data, applications, and IT infrastructure.

By utilizing the Internal Cloud model, businesses can leverage cloud-based technology within their own private networks, ensuring a higher level of control, security, and customization compared to public cloud services.

This approach combines the benefits of both on-premises and cloud-based solutions, enabling greater operational efficiency, cost savings, and flexibility in managing IT resources.

Consequently, the Internal Cloud has emerged as a valuable option for organizations seeking to modernize and streamline their technology systems, while maintaining a greater level of privacy and data protection.


Internal Cloud, often referred to as a private cloud, serves the purpose of providing organizations with the capabilities offered by public cloud platforms but within their own private environment. This unique approach to cloud computing aims to maintain a company’s operational efficiency, agility, and cost benefits, while ensuring greater security and control over their data and infrastructure.

The main uses of an internal cloud include hosting mission-critical applications, storing sensitive data, and supporting regulatory compliance requirements. By implementing internal cloud services, businesses can reap the advantages of increased flexibility, the ability to rapidly deploy applications, and scalability tailored to their needs, all within a secure, dedicated space.

In terms of its application, internal clouds often serve as a customizable solution for companies with data governance and compliance requirements, which may not be met by public cloud service providers. By keeping crucial resources and sensitive information within their own infrastructure, organizations can exercise greater control and oversight, minimizing potential threats and vulnerabilities.

In addition, internal clouds facilitate improved resource management and faster response times, as resources can be dynamically allocated or readjusted based on the company’s evolving demands. Overall, the utilization of an internal cloud enables organizations to harness the benefits of cloud computing technology, while offering the added assurance of robust security and seamless integration with existing IT systems.

Examples of Internal Cloud

Internal cloud, also known as private cloud, is a cloud computing model that offers a secure and dedicated environment specifically designed for one organization. By utilizing internal cloud technology, companies have greater control over their data, security, and resources. Here are three real-world examples of the internal cloud in action:

Bank of New York Mellon Corporation (BNY Mellon)BNY Mellon is one of the world’s largest financial institutions. To streamline their operations, they created a private cloud computing environment that combines traditional database and infrastructure platforms. By creating an internal cloud, BNY Mellon was able to provide central governance and security while remaining agile in a fast-paced financial environment. They gained operational efficiencies, cost savings, and improved their ability to rapidly respond to market changes.

Northrop Grumman CorporationNorthrop Grumman, a global defense and aerospace company, has adopted an internal cloud computing model to manage its vast array of information technology resources. By using a private cloud, they gained the ability to allocate IT resources flexibly and improve security for sensitive defense-related information. Their internal cloud also consolidates data centers and provides disaster recovery capabilities, resulting in efficiency and cost savings for the company.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)NASA uses internal cloud computing for numerous applications to support their mission activities. One example is the Nebula private cloud project, which provides on-demand computing and storage resources to help researchers analyze vast datasets at a reduced cost. Nebula aims to simplify data sharing among scientists and provide a scalable platform that enhances collaboration, improves productivity, and builds on-demand computing capabilities within the agency.

Internal Cloud FAQ

What is an Internal Cloud?

An Internal Cloud, also known as a Private Cloud, is a cloud computing environment that exists within the boundaries of an organization’s infrastructure and offers computing resources and services to specific users or departments within that organization. These resources and services are managed and maintained internally, providing more control and security compared to public cloud solutions.

What are the advantages of using an Internal Cloud?

Internal Cloud offers several advantages such as improved security, enhanced privacy, better control over resources, customized solutions tailored for specific needs, and more predictable costs. Additionally, since resources are under the organization’s control, it can ensure compliance with industry regulations and minimize the risks associated with handling sensitive data.

How is an Internal Cloud different from a Public Cloud?

An Internal Cloud exists within an organization’s infrastructure and is accessible only to that organization, whereas a Public Cloud is operated by a third-party provider and offers its services to multiple organizations and users over the internet. Public Cloud services often operate on a pay-as-you-go model. Internal Cloud provides better control, security, and customization but may require higher initial setup and maintenance costs compared to Public Cloud.

What are some common Internal Cloud service models?

Internal Cloud service models can be categorized into three main types: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). IaaS provides virtual computing resources, PaaS offers tools and resources for application development and deployment, and SaaS delivers software or applications over the internet. Each model offers varying levels of control, scalability, and ease of use depending on the organization’s needs.

How can an organization implement an Internal Cloud?

An organization can implement an Internal Cloud by setting up and maintaining the necessary hardware, software, and network infrastructure within its facility or data center. This includes provisioning virtualization technologies, storage, and networking tools as well as establishing security protocols, access controls, and management tools to administrate and monitor the environment. Alternatively, organizations can partner with a Managed Private Cloud provider to facilitate the implementation and ongoing management of the Internal Cloud infrastructure.

Related Technology Terms

  • Private Cloud Infrastructure
  • On-Premises Data Center
  • Virtualization
  • Resource Orchestration
  • Network Security

Sources for More Information

  • IBM Cloud –
  • VMware –
  • Techopedia –
  • Cisco –

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