


Internet2 is a not-for-profit consortium of universities, corporations, government agencies, and research institutions collaborating to develop advanced networking technologies and applications. It aims to facilitate faster, more reliable, and secure data transfer for research and education purposes. Internet2 is distinct from the commercial internet and provides its members with access to high-performance networks, resources, and services.


In phonetic alphabet, “Internet2” can be transcribed as:/ˈɪntərˌnɛt tuː//ˈɪntərˌnɛt/ for “Internet”, and /tuː/ for “2” as in “two”.

Key Takeaways

  1. Internet2 is a high-speed, advanced network specifically designed for research and education purposes, connecting universities, research institutions, and government agencies across the United States and globally.
  2. It enables a wide range of applications and services, such as high-performance computing, telemedicine, digital libraries, virtual laboratories, and distance learning, by operating on a faster and more secure infrastructure compared to the commercial Internet.
  3. Internet2 fosters innovation by providing a platform for collaboration among academic and industry researchers, allowing the development and testing of cutting-edge technologies and solutions to benefit society and drive future Internet advancements.


Internet2 is an important technological term because it represents a collaborative effort among universities, research institutes, industries, and government agencies to develop and deploy advanced network applications and technologies.

It aims to foster innovation in cutting-edge internet technologies, enabling faster and more reliable communication, sharing of resources, and collaboration on research projects.

Internet2 also plays a vital role in shaping the future of the internet by addressing the evolving needs of higher education and research communities, driving the long-term sustainability of the global research and education infrastructure, and serving as a testing ground for next-generation internet technologies and applications.

Overall, Internet2 is crucial due to its positive impact on higher education, research, and advancements in the internet evolution.


Internet2 is a collaborative effort initiated by universities, industry leaders, and governmental agencies to support the development and implementation of innovative, next-generation Internet technologies. The fundamental purpose of Internet2 is to facilitate advanced networking capabilities and enable research, education, and innovation on a global scale.

By providing an infrastructure for high-speed, reliable, and secure data transmission, Internet2 serves as a testing ground for emerging technologies, novel applications, and new approaches to addressing challenges in diverse fields, such as healthcare, education, and science. One significant application of Internet2 is to support large-scale research projects, including those that involve massive amounts of data and require collaboration across various institutions, both nationally and internationally.

For example, high-energy physics, climate modeling, and genomics are research areas that greatly benefit from the enhanced networking capacities provided by Internet2. Additionally, the education sector is also utilizing Internet2 to advance remote learning, virtual classrooms, and immersive learning experiences.

By fostering collaboration and innovation, Internet2 plays a vital role in driving cutting-edge research and development that can not only revolutionize the Internet but also profoundly impact the way we live, work, and learn.

Examples of Internet2

Internet2 is a high-performance research consortium that focuses on providing advanced network capabilities to support academic, research, and scientific collaborations. Here are three real-world examples of projects and applications facilitated by Internet2:

Telemedicine and Remote Surgery: Internet2 has allowed for new opportunities in the field of telemedicine and remote surgery. With the help of low-latency and high-speed internet connections, doctors can consult or even perform surgeries on patients in remote locations. One such example is the collaboration between the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and the University of California, Davis (UC Davis), which enabled remote surgery on an animal model using Internet

Collaborative Virtual Environments: Internet2 also supports the creation of collaborative virtual environments where researchers from different geographical locations work and interact in real-time. The CAVE2 (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) project used Internet2 to connect research teams at the University of Illinois at Chicago, the Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL), and the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa to collaborate on research projects using high-resolution 3D visualization technology. The teams can work together to analyze huge datasets and rid of the need for travel, thus saving time and resources.

Sharing and Accessing Large Scientific Datasets: Internet2 enables researchers to share and access vast datasets, significantly speeding up research and collaboration. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, relies on Internet2 to transmit huge amounts of particle physics data to research institutions around the world. Through the LHCONE (LHC Open Network Environment), research institutions in the United States can access this valuable data for further high-energy physics analysis and contribute to breakthroughs in our understanding of the universe.

Internet2 FAQ

What is Internet2?

Internet2 is a not-for-profit organization led by the US research and education community. It was founded with the goal of developing advanced network technologies and applications to support research, collaboration, and innovation among academic institutions, businesses, and government entities.

How is Internet2 different from the regular internet?

Internet2 is designed specifically for research and educational purposes and provides a faster and more secure platform than the public internet. Its high-performance network infrastructure enables researchers and scholars to collaborate on advanced projects without worrying about limitations related to bandwidth, latency, or security.

Who can become a member of Internet2?

Membership in Internet2 is primarily open to universities, research institutions, industry partners, government agencies, and regional networks in the United States. These organizations join Internet2 to access advanced networking capabilities, collaborate on research projects, and develop innovative technologies for various sectors.

What are some benefits of Internet2 membership?

Members of Internet2 have access to its high-performance network infrastructure, enabling them to collaborate on research projects without limitations. They also have access to advanced services like network performance monitoring, trust and identity solutions, and cloud service offerings. Additionally, members gain opportunities to network and collaborate with like-minded organizations and potentially secure grant funding for technology-related projects.

How does Internet2 support innovation and collaboration?

Internet2 supports innovation and collaboration by providing a high-quality network infrastructure for research and development, fostering connections among organizations with shared interests, and developing new technologies through collaborative efforts. It also holds events such as conferences and workshops, where members can share ideas, engage in discussions, and learn from each other.

Related Technology Terms


  • Gigapop
  • Abilene Network
  • High-performance Backbone Network Service (HBNs)
  • Research and Education Network (REN)
  • Advanced Networking Initiative (ANI)


Sources for More Information


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