
Managed Video as a Service


Managed Video as a Service (MVaaS) is a subscription-based solution where video surveillance and storage are provided by a third-party provider. It eliminates the need for on-site hardware and maintenance by utilizing cloud-based technologies and IP cameras for video monitoring. Users can access live or recorded footage remotely via web-based portals or apps, enhancing security and simplifying the user experience.

Key Takeaways

  1. Managed Video as a Service (MVaaS) refers to the outsourcing of video content management, including hosting, streaming, and on-demand viewing of videos to a third-party provider.
  2. MVaaS providers ensure smooth video delivery, scalable and secure storage, analytics, and monitoring of video content without businesses having to invest in infrastructure, staff, or additional resources.
  3. By leveraging MVaaS, businesses can maintain focus on their core competencies, while improving the user experience for their customers. The service enables organizations to adapt quickly to the changing video technology landscape with minimal risks and increased cost-effectiveness.


Managed Video as a Service (MVaaS) is an important technology term as it signifies a shift in the way businesses and individuals approach their video-related needs.

MVaaS is a cost-effective, scalable, and secure solution that allows organizations to outsource their video surveillance and analytics requirements to a third-party provider.

This eliminates the need for organizations to invest in expensive infrastructure, maintain and update equipment, or dedicate internal resources to the management of video systems.

Additionally, MVaaS ensures up-to-date technologies, expert support, and seamless integration with existing systems, thus enabling higher levels of security, easier collaboration, and better decision-making.

By offering a flexible, streamlined, and accessible means of managing video content, MVaaS plays a crucial role in shaping the future of the industry and transforming how businesses harness the potential of video surveillance and analytics.


Managed Video as a Service (MVaaS) is a comprehensive solution designed to simplify the complexities of video surveillance and management, providing organizations with a centralized, scalable, and flexible system. The primary purpose of MVaaS is to offer businesses an effective and hassle-free way to monitor and secure their premises using cutting-edge video technology.

By doing so, MVaaS not only helps organizations maintain a constant vigilance over their assets and operations, but also promotes a safer work environment. MVaaS providers often take full responsibility for installation, maintenance, and updates, ensuring that clients always have access to the latest advancements in video surveillance technology without significant investment in infrastructure and technical expertise.

One of the key benefits of using Managed Video as a Service is that organizations can avoid the need to maintain their own video surveillance infrastructure. By relying on cloud-based services and expertise, the management and storage of video data are handled by MVaaS providers, eliminating the need for dedicated hardware and IT personnel and resulting in reduced operational costs.

Additionally, MVaaS offers the flexibility to scale services up or down as required by the organization’s needs, allowing them to cater to evolving security demands. By utilizing the managed services model, MVaaS can significantly improve the efficiency of a company’s security operations and help them focus on their core business functions instead of getting bogged down by the technical aspects of video surveillance management.

Examples of Managed Video as a Service

Cisco Meraki MV: Cisco Meraki MV is a managed video surveillance solution that offers a comprehensive, cloud-based system for video stream analysis, storage, and retrieval. This service provides businesses with remote monitoring capabilities, centralized video storage, video analytics, motion search, and easy scalability. Meraki MV cameras can be deployed across multiple locations, making it a popular choice for organizations with distributed offices, retail chains, or large campuses.

Verkada: Verkada is a provider of managed video surveillance services for businesses and organizations of all sizes. Their service combines a range of high-quality cameras with a cloud-based platform that enables users to access video feeds, manage storage, and utilize advanced video analytics. Verkada’s system offers remote access to live and historical footage, ensuring that the video data is secured and easily retrievable when needed. It is widely used by schools, corporations, and government facilities.

Eagle Eye Networks: Eagle Eye Networks offers a fully managed cloud video surveillance service that focuses on providing secure, encrypted recording and storage solutions. Their platform includes a variety of features such as video analytics, remote monitoring, and real-time alerts. Eagle Eye Networks is highly scalable and compatible with a wide range of IP and analog cameras, allowing customers to customize their video surveillance systems to meet their unique needs. This service is widely used in industries such as retail, healthcare, education, and hospitality.These managed video as a service solutions demonstrate the practical applications of this technology and its benefits in providing centralized management and high-performance video analytics across various industries.

Managed Video as a Service FAQs

What is Managed Video as a Service (MVaaS)?

Managed Video as a Service (MVaaS) is a cloud-based solution that provides video surveillance and analytics services, storage, and management through a subscription model. MVaaS enables businesses to access and manage their video footage remotely, optimizing security and reducing the need for on-site equipment and maintenance.

What are the benefits of using Managed Video as a Service?

Key benefits of using MVaaS include cost savings, scalability, flexibility, ease of access, and improved security. By adopting a subscription model, businesses can eliminate upfront investment in hardware and reduce maintenance costs. It also allows for seamless scalability as the organization grows. MVaaS provides remote access to video footage and analytics from any location, improving security operations and response times.

How does MVaaS work?

MVaaS typically consists of four main components: cameras, a network, cloud storage, and a user interface. Cameras are installed at the required locations, and the network connects these cameras to the cloud storage platform. Video footage is transmitted, stored, and managed through the cloud platform, allowing users to access and manage their data remotely through a web or mobile interface.

Is MVaaS secure?

Security is a top priority for MVaaS providers. Video footage is typically encrypted during transmission and while stored in the cloud, ensuring that only authorized users can access and view the data. Additionally, MVaaS providers regularly update their infrastructure and software to protect against security threats and vulnerabilities.

What industries can benefit from MVaaS?

Various industries can benefit from MVaaS, including retail, transportation, healthcare, education, and more. Any business or organization seeking to enhance security, monitor operations, and improve the efficiency of their security operations can benefit from a managed video as a service solution.

Related Technology Terms

  • Cloud-based Video Surveillance
  • Remote Monitoring and Management
  • Video Analytics and Reporting
  • Scalable Storage Solutions
  • Security and Access Control

Sources for More Information


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