Java API For XML-based RPC


Java API for XML-based Remote Procedure Calls (JAX-RPC) is a Java application programming interface (API) which allows data to be exchanged between client and server systems through XML-based Remote Procedure Calls (RPC). It permits the creation of web-based applications using the SOAP protocol to interact and communicate. JAX-RPC provides a mechanism for web services to expose their functionality to client applications by describing the operations they perform in XML format.


The phonetics of “Java API For XML-based RPC” is: “Jah-vah A-P-I For Ex-emm-el-based R-P-C”

Key Takeaways

  1. Java API for XML-based RPC (JAX-RPC) allows Java developers to build web-based applications using Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). This implies that JAX-RPC provides a mechanism for invoking procedures or functions on a server, which could be located in a different machine, through XML-based RPC mechanisms using HTTP transport protocol.

  2. JAX-RPC supports both Document-style and RPC-style web services, which provide flexibility in how services are defined and exposed, enabling clients to interact with the service either by using a predefined contract or by using XML documents.

  3. With JAX-RPC, web services and clients can be developed to communicate using either synchronous or asynchronous communication. Moreover, it supports interoperability with web services based on other platforms such as .Net, making it a suitable choice for heterogeneous distributed environments.


Java API for XML-based RPC (JAX-RPC) is important because it enables the creation of web-based applications following a specific set of protocols which deliver the benefit of using multiple languages across various platforms. Through the use of XML-based remote procedure calls (RPCs), JAX-RPC allows data to be packaged into XML format and sent between a client and server over the internet. This standardizes communication between diverse systems, increasing the compatibility and interoperability across different software applications. It promotes efficiency and simplicity, making the process of software development and maintenance easier and more streamlined.


The Java API for XML based RPC (JAX-RPC) plays a vital role in helping developers create applications that perform remote procedure calls (RPC) with an application’s interfaces and classes via the XML protocol. The primary purpose of the Java API for XML based RPC is to facilitate data interoperability and aid in the creation, deployment, and usage of web services. It employs the concept of RPC, which allows a computer to execute a procedure in another space as if it were in the same environment, and leverages XML to ensure diversity and uniformity of data types. JAX-RPC is commonly used in distributed computing, particularly in web-based applications whereby separate systems need to communicate and share data regularly. This is critical because it allows applications residing on different systems to speak the same language (XML) and thereby ensure streamlined communication. Moreover, JAX-RPC plays the pivotal role of encoding and decoding XML data so that it can be sent and received over HTTP, which means that the applications do not have to be in the same local network for them to interact. In summary, without JAX-RPC, there would be significant difficulties and setbacks in the creation of interoperable web services.


Java API for XML-based Remote Procedure Calls (JAX-RPC) is a Java API for executing Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) using XML. It allows Java applications to interact and communicate with other applications over the internet. Here are three real world examples:1. Web Services: One of the most common and widespread uses of JAX-RPC is in the development of web services. For instance, an e-commerce platform can use JAX-RPC to communicate with a credit card validation service hosted on a different server. The communication between the two services is achieved using remote procedure calls, where the e-commerce platform will make a request to the credit card service and receive a response.2. Distributed Systems: JAX-RPC is also utilized extensively in the development of distributed systems within a large organization. For instance, a banking institution may have different systems spread across multiple locations. JAX-RPC could be used for intercommunication between these different banking systems to provide a unified service to the end users.3. Content Management Systems: Content Management Systems(CMS) also use JAX-RPC to communicate between various components of the system. For example, one component could use JAX-RPC to send a request to another component to retrieve, add, delete or update content, with the communication happening between the distributed components of the CMS over the internet.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Q1: What is Java API for XML-based RPC (JAX-RPC)?A1: Java API for XML-based RPC (JAX-RPC) is a Java programming language API for performing SOAP-based RPCs, according to the W3C standards. It enables developers to create SOAP-based interoperable and portable web services.Q2: What are the main functions of JAX-RPC?A2: JAX-RPC provides the functionality to generate and send SOAP messages from a client to a server application, and to process SOAP messages in the server application.Q3: What is a Web Service in the context of JAX-RPC?A3: A web service is a software system designed to support communication between systems over a network. JAX-RPC allows developers to build web services and clients that are platform-independent and interact through the web.Q4: Does JAX-RPC support both Document style and RPC style web service?A4: Yes, JAX-RPC supports both Document style and RPC style web service.Q5: What is the significant advantage of using JAX-RPC?A5: The main advantage of JAX-RPC is its seamless interoperation with web services or clients that may run on platforms other than Java.Q6: Is JAX-RPC compatible with WSDL and SOAP standards?A6: Yes, JAX-RPC supports both WSDL and SOAP standards. You can send and receive SOAP messages and can also work with WSDL to discover services.Q7: What is the difference between JAX-RPC and JAX-WS?A7: JAX-WS is the successor of JAX-RPC. JAX-RPC is no longer a part of the Java EE specifications from Java EE 6 onwards. However, it has been replaced by JAX-WS, which is an improved version including better integration and some additional features.Q8: What communication models does JAX-RPC support?A8: JAX-RPC supports two communication models: One-way RPC and request-response RPC. One-way RPC allows a client to send a request to a server with no response expected. Request-response RPC, in contrast, always expects a response from the server.Q9: What are the prerequisites to work with JAX-RPC?A9: To work with JAX-RPC, it requires Java SDK and the JAX-RPC library. Also, you need to have a basic understanding of SOAP, WSDL, and web services.Q10: Is JAX-RPC difficult to use?A10: Using JAX-RPC does require knowledge of Java, SOAP, WSDL, and the specifics of JAX-RPC itself, but once you understand these foundations, JAX-RPC offers a straightforward way to build and interact with web services. However, modern Java implementations tend towards using JAX-WS or RESTful services.

Related Tech Terms

  • Web Services
  • SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
  • WSDL (Web Services Description Language)
  • XML (eXtensible Markup Language)
  • JAX-WS (Java API for XML Web Services)

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