


Keepalive is a function used in network communications to maintain an active connection between devices or systems. It involves sending small, periodic messages to verify and preserve the established connection. This helps prevent unnecessary disconnections and ensures that both parties remain aware of each other’s status.


The phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “Keepalive” in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is: /kiːpəˈlaɪv/

Key Takeaways

  1. Keepalive is a mechanism that maintains active connections between a server and client in order to reduce the overhead of reestablishing connections for multiple requests.
  2. By using Keepalive, both server and client save resources, leading to improved performance, faster response times, and reduced workload on networks and systems.
  3. Despite its benefits, Keepalive can also consume server resources if not configured properly since it keeps idle connections open, but parameters such as timeouts and max connections can be adjusted to mitigate this issue.


Keepalive is an important technology term because it ensures a consistent and reliable communication between devices in a network, particularly in relation to TCP connections.

It is a mechanism that verifies if a connection is still active by periodically sending small “keepalive” packets over the connection without interfering with the actual data transmission.

When a keepalive packet is not acknowledged by the receiving device, it indicates that the connection has been broken, and the communication session needs to be re-established.

By enabling keepalive, network administrators can prevent unnecessary timeouts and dropped connections, ultimately improving network performance and maintaining the overall stability of the system.


Keepalive is a crucial component in maintaining the persistent connection between communication devices, particularly in network protocols such as Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Its primary purpose is to prevent connection timeouts and ensure that a connection between two devices remains active and responsive, thereby avoiding the need for the devices to undergo repeated re-establishment. This preservation of connection leads to smoother and more efficient communication between devices, as they can transmit data back and forth without the additional overhead that comes with establishing new connections.

In the context of web applications, this ensures that servers and clients maintain an open line of communication, increasing the overall responsiveness of the application and reducing latency. Keepalive achieves this by continuously sending small data packets known as ‘keep-alive messages’ or ‘keep-alive probes’ over the network at fixed time intervals to confirm that the connection is still active.

When these packets are received by the recipient, they respond with an acknowledgment, signaling that the connection is still viable. If no acknowledgment is received within a set time period, the sender may decide to terminate the connection and attempt to re-establish it.

Keepalive is particularly beneficial to network-heavy applications such as video streaming and online gaming, where prolonged connections are required for uninterrupted user experience. With the implementation of keepalive methods, users are provided with seamless communication, reduced latency, and improved network resource management.

Examples of Keepalive

Online Multiplayer Gaming: In online multiplayer games, such as Fortnite or Call of Duty, the keepalive technology plays an essential role in maintaining a stable connection between players and game servers. The game server continuously sends keepalive messages to each player’s game client to ensure that they are still connected. This ensures smooth gameplay and real-time response without unexpected disconnections.

Video Conferencing: In today’s remote working environment, platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet utilize the keepalive technology to maintain and manage connections between multiple attendees. When a user is in a video call, the software sends keepalive messages between the participants to verify that their connection is active. If there is no response, the session is re-established or terminated to prevent disruption or frozen video screens during the meeting.

Internet of Things (IoT) Devices: IoT devices, such as connected home appliances and security systems, also use keepalive technology to maintain a continuous and stable connection with the cloud servers or user interfaces. The devices and servers exchange keepalive messages to ensure that the devices are still connected and functioning. This enables the user to receive real-time data and control these devices remotely without unnecessary delays or connectivity issues.

Keepalive FAQ

What is Keepalive?

Keepalive, also known as “TCP Keepalive,” is a feature in networking that is used to prevent idle connections from being dropped by sending small, regular messages across the network. It helps maintain a connection between a client and server, even when there are no data transfers happening.

Why is Keepalive important?

Keepalive is essential in situations where long-lived connections are necessary, such as database connections, tunneling protocols, or real-time applications. It ensures that the connection between the client and server stays active, even if there is a temporary loss of data transfer due to network congestion or other issues. By avoiding disconnections, Keepalive can improve the performance and reliability of these connections.

How do I enable Keepalive on my server?

Enabling Keepalive depends on the server software you are using. For example, in Apache, you can configure Keepalive in the httpd.conf file by adding the following lines:

    KeepAlive On
    KeepAliveTimeout 300

For other servers like Nginx or Microsoft IIS, refer to the documentation for specific instructions on enabling Keepalive.

Does Keepalive affect the performance of my server?

While Keepalive can help maintain long-lived connections, it can also consume server resources if many idle connections are kept alive simultaneously. To avoid performance issues, properly configure Keepalive settings, such as the timeout value and the maximum number of connections to be maintained. This will help you balance the benefits of using Keepalive with any potential resource usage concerns.

Are there alternatives to using Keepalive?

One alternative to using Keepalive is to implement connection pooling, which can help manage and reuse idle connections without having to constantly send small messages across the network. Other alternatives include using application-level heartbeat messages or implementing a custom solution to monitor and maintain connections based on application-specific requirements.

Related Technology Terms

  • Heartbeat
  • Timeout
  • Connection Persistence
  • Socket
  • Network Protocol

Sources for More Information

  • Wikipedia –
  • Cloudflare –
  • Akamai –
  • –

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