
Measured Telephone Service


Measured Telephone Service is a billing system used by telephone companies where customers are charged based on their usage. The charges are calculated by considering factors like the number of placed calls, duration of calls, and potentially the distance between callers. This pricing structure encourages customers to manage their telephone usage and may offer lower costs for those with limited call needs.

Key Takeaways

  1. Measured Telephone Service refers to a billing model where customers pay for the usage of their telephone services, including local calls, based on the duration, frequency, and distance of calls made.
  2. This type of service is often contrasted with flat-rate plans, which offer unlimited local calls for a fixed monthly fee, and is more suitable for customers with low call volumes or specific call patterns.
  3. Measured Telephone Service generally involves detailed billing, where customers receive a breakdown of individual calls and associated charges, promoting cost transparency and enabling better budget management for telephone expenses.


The technology term “Measured Telephone Service” is important because it refers to a billing arrangement used by telecommunications companies, which allows customers to pay for the telephone services based on their actual usage.

This type of service typically charges customers for individual calls, call duration, and distance, as opposed to a flat rate covering an unlimited number of calls or fixed monthly fees.

Measured Telephone Service ensures that users pay for what they consume and can result in cost savings for those with low or variable call volumes.

In this way, it serves to promote affordability and accessibility of telephone services while encouraging responsible usage by customers, fostering efficiency and sustainability in the telecommunications industry.


Measured Telephone Service is designed to cater to the specific needs of individuals and organizations, providing a cost-effective and flexible communication solution. Its primary purpose is to offer a middle-ground alternative to the traditional flat-rate and unlimited telephone services, enabling users to pay only for the actual usage of their phone lines.

With the ability to effectively manage and monitor call consumption, this service boasts several benefits for both residential and business customers, ensuring they can optimize their communication resources. The implementation of Measured Telephone Service involves an advanced system that meticulously tracks and logs the duration and frequency of calls made within a certain period.

This allows clients to efficiently analyze their calling patterns and make better-informed decisions regarding their communication needs. By paying solely for the calls made, clients can take control of their telephone expenses and avoid overspending on unnecessary bundles or packages.

This flexibility is particularly valuable for businesses that expect variable call volumes or individuals who prefer not to commit to a long-term plan with fixed costs. Overall, Measured Telephone Service enables customization and cost-efficiency, empowering clients to stay connected in today’s fast-paced world without breaking the bank.

Examples of Measured Telephone Service

Measured Telephone Service is a telecommunication plan where customers pay for their service based on actual usage, such as the duration spent on calls, number of text messages, and amount of data consumed. Three real-world examples of measured telephone service are:

Pay-as-You-Go Plans: These plans provide customers with complete control over their usage and payments. Users need to purchase credits or minutes in advance, and they are charged for each call, text message, or data usage based on pre-determined rates. These plans mostly appeal to users with low or irregular usage patterns. For example, TracFone is a U.S. based company offering pay-as-you-go plans with different rates and features.

Metered Voice Calls: Many telephone service providers offer metered voice call plans based on the duration of each call. Customers are billed per minute, or in some cases, per second. These plans are common in many countries, including the United States and India. An example of a company offering such plans is T-Mobile, which has the “Pay As You Go” plan, with calls charged at a per-minute rate.

Postpaid Plans with Usage-based Billing: Some postpaid plans charge users based on their actual data, voice and messaging usage. These plans typical have a set price for a base level of service, with additional charges applied if the user goes over their data, messaging, or voice call limits. For example, AT&T offers plans that include a fixed amount of data, voice, and messaging each month, and customers are charged extra for additional usage based on the designated rates.

FAQ: Measured Telephone Service

What is Measured Telephone Service?

Measured Telephone Service is a type of telephone service plan where the price is determined by the amount of usage. This includes the number of calls made, the duration of each call, and the distance of the call. The more you use the phone, the higher the charges will be.

How is Measured Telephone Service billed?

Measured Telephone Service is billed based on various factors such as the number of calls, call duration, and call distance. Typically, a customer will receive a bill every month that shows the detailed usage and charges for the billing period.

What are the benefits of Measured Telephone Service?

Measured Telephone Service can be beneficial for customers who have lower overall usage or prefer to only pay for what they use. This type of service can give the customer more control over their spending on telephone services, and ensure they are not paying for unnecessary features or plans they do not need.

What are the drawbacks of Measured Telephone Service?

One drawback of Measured Telephone Service is that it can be more expensive for heavy phone users, as fees accumulate based on usage. Additionally, some users might experience stress or anxiety about keeping track of their phone usage in an effort to avoid high charges.

Are there any alternatives to Measured Telephone Service?

Yes, there are alternatives to Measured Telephone Service. Customers can choose from various plans such as flat-rate service, unlimited calling plans, or bundled services that include other features like internet and cable TV. These alternatives may be more suitable for those who prefer predictable monthly charges or have higher call volumes.

Related Technology Terms

  • Usage-based billing
  • Call duration
  • Per-minute rate
  • Peak and off-peak hours
  • Rate comparison

Sources for More Information


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