Object-Oriented Database


An Object-Oriented Database (OODB) is a type of database that integrates database capabilities with object-oriented programming language functions. Instead of using tables like in relational databases, it represents data in the form of objects which can include both data and methods that manipulate the data. This enables more complex forms of relationships and operations to be executed on the database, such as inheritance and object identity.


The phonetic pronunciation of “Object-Oriented Database” is: OB-ject Or-ee-EN-ted Day-tuh-base

Key Takeaways

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  1. Abstraction of real-world scenarios: Object-Oriented Databases (OODBMS) utilize a data model that can represent and manipulate more complicated types of data. This enables better abstraction of real-world entities by facilitating complex relationships, inheritance, and other object-oriented features.
  2. Elimination of Impedance Mismatch: In OODBMS, there is no need to convert data as the database is integrated with the programming language. This eliminates the impedance mismatch problem experienced in Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) when mapping the data objects to the database.
  3. Improved performance: The integration of a programming language with the database and direct point-to-point access to data objects can potentially contribute to improved performance in an object-oriented database.



Object-Oriented Database (OODB) is important in technology due to its fundamental role in representing data as objects. Objects refer to complex data structures that combine methods (functions) and attributes. This database system is crucial in handling large and complex data that traditional relational databases may struggle to manage efficiently. It substantially enhances data modeling and provides improved performance while minimizing redundancy. Furthermore, OODB aligns well with object-oriented programming languages, thus facilitating software development and increasing reusability and maintainability. Hence, its importance arises from its inherent capabilities of handling complex data and complementing emerging programming models.


An object-oriented database (OODB) is a high-performance database management system (DBMS) that is tailored to manage and manipulate complex data types, large objects, and sophisticated relationships between data. The main purpose of an object-oriented database is to increase efficiency, speed, and simplicity of complex database applications. It achieves this by representing data as objects, the same way object-oriented programming languages do, which allows for more natural and logical data modeling. This is particularly useful in applications that require complex data relationships, such as in manufacturing parts for products, telecommunications, and geographical information systems, among others.The use of an object-oriented database is not limited to specific industries but is largely applied where complex data and relationships are in play and performance is crucial. One of the significant usages of OODB is in the field of computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided software engineering (CASE), where the system needs to handle various versions and compositions of designs or complex software modules. Additionally, it is also widely used in multimedia systems like interactive television that require storing, retrieving, and presenting audio and video data which goes beyond simple data. By storing data in the form of objects, OODBs allow the developers to reuse codes, reducing development time, and increasing the software’s reliability and quality.


1. PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL is a popular object-oriented database system that is open-source and highly scalable. It is used by many large industries, such as Fujitsu, Cisco, and the U.S Federal Aviation Administration for managing extensive data. PostgreSQL supports both SQL (relational database) and JSON (non-relational database) querying, making it a versatile choice for businesses. 2. MongoDB: MongoDB is a source-available and cross-platform document-oriented database program, designed for scalability and developer agility. Using collections and documents instead of tables and rows, it provides high performance data persistence for mobile apps, product catalogs, real-time personalized content management etc. 3. InterSystems Caché: InterSystems Caché is a high-performance database that powers transaction processing applications around the world. It provides multiple ways to access your data, including an object database, high-performance SQL, and multidimensional storage. Healthcare settings often use this database system for electronic health records because of its multi-model capabilities.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

**Q1: What is an Object-Oriented Database?**A: An Object-Oriented Database (OODB) is a database management system where information is represented in the form of objects used in object-oriented programming.**Q2: How does an Object-Oriented Database differ from a Relational Database?**A: While a Relational Database organizes data into tables with rows and columns, an Object-Oriented Database stores complex data and relationships between data directly, without mapping to relational rows and columns.**Q3: What are some benefits of using an Object-Oriented Database?**A: Benefits include more efficient performance with complex data, increased speed of retrieval and storage, better handling of different data types and structures, and a programming-friendly environment due to the object orientation.**Q4: Are there any disadvantages to using an Object-Oriented Database?**A: Yes, disadvantages can include complexity of use compared to a Relational Database, lack of universal data models or standards, and potential issues with scalability as the database grows.**Q5: What are some examples of where an Object-Oriented Database might be more beneficial than a Relational Database?**A: Object-Oriented Databases are typically beneficial in areas such as computer-aided design, telecommunications, multimedia systems, scientific systems, or any field where the data to be handled is complex and varied.**Q6: How does an Object-Oriented Database relate to object-oriented programming?**A: OODBs use the same model as Object-Oriented Programming. Objects, classes, inheritance, and other features of object-oriented programming are also used in the database, allowing for consistency and ease of use for developers.**Q7: Is it possible to perform transactions in Object-Oriented Database?**A: Yes, just like other databases, it is possible to perform transactions in the Object-Oriented Database. This ensures that the database remains in a consistent state even in the event of failures. **Q8: What is an example of a popular Object-Oriented Database?**A: Some popular examples include MongoDB and Apache Cassandra.

Related Tech Terms

  • Class
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Encapsulation
  • Object Identifier (OID)

Sources for More Information


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