Open Database Connectivity


Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is a standard application programming interface (API) that allows applications to access data from a variety of database management systems (DBMS). It is designed to facilitate the use of database functionality without having developers learn the details of individual DBMS. Essentially, it acts as a universal data access method, creating a bridge between different databases to allow seamless data integration and management.


The phonetic pronunciation of “Open Database Connectivity” is:OH-puh-n DAY-tuh- beyss KON-nek-tiv-uh-tee

Key Takeaways

Key Takeaways about Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)

  1. Standard API: Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is a standard Application Programming Interface (API) for accessing database management systems (DBMS). It enables the integration of database systems with different programming languages and technologies.
  2. Database Independence: One of the most important benefits of ODBC is its database independence. With ODBC, developers don’t need to write a specific code for each database. They can write a single application that can connect to different types of databases.
  3. Wide Adoption: Due to its flexibility and ease of use, ODBC is widely adopted in various types of applications, from small desktop applications to large-scale enterprise systems.


Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is an important technology term because it offers a standardized way of managing database connections, overcoming the challenge of having different database systems and languages on the market. ODBC allows various applications to connect and interact with databases, regardless of the type of system used. This universal database connection promotes interoperability, making it easier and more efficient to extract, modify, and manage data across different platforms. Its standardization ensures that applications can access data in DBMS (Database Management Systems) using SQL (Structured Query Language) as a standard language, significantly reducing the complexity and extensibility of handling databases. Hence, ODBC plays a significant role in enhancing the smooth functioning, compatibility, and effectiveness of database systems.


Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is an integral part of data management, with a purpose centered on streamlining database interactions. Its primary utility stems from its ability to standardize access to multiple databases, regardless of the database management system (DBMS). This is critical in a world where data is stored across different types of databases. ODBC, essentially, acts as a middleman between applications and databases, allowing them to communicate effectively. Its standard interface ensures that applications don’t have to be rewritten to connect to a different database; they just need the correct ODBC driver, making it a valuable tool for developers who require access to data in diverse DBMS.In practical usage, open database connectivity supports various tasks that involve data manipulation and interoperability. For instance, business analysts use ODBC to tap into multiple databases, extract required data, and craft insights. Additionally, developers leverage it to build database-agnostic applications, meaning the software they develop can operate irrespective of the DBMS in use. Similarly, organizations use ODBC when moving data from one DBMS to another, facilitating database migration. Ultimately, ODBC enhances efficiency, flexibility, and ease of data management processes.


1. Microsoft SQL Server: It is a relational database management system used by many companies to handle large amounts of data. It makes use of Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) to allow applications to access data in a database without concerning the specifics of how the database is organized. 2. Excel’s Data Connection Wizard: This feature allows users to import data from a variety of sources into Excel. Users can choose the ODBC option to connect to an external database that supports this type of connection, such as MySQL, Oracle, or SQL Server. 3. Tableau: This is a business intelligence tool used for data visualization. It offers ODBC drivers to connect to various databases. Users can connect to their database through ODBC and begin analyzing data without worrying about programming languages or script-writing.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Q: What is Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)?A: Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is a standard application programming interface (API) for accessing database management systems (DBMS). It allows applications to access data in database management systems that use SQL as a standard for accessing data.Q: What is the purpose of ODBC?A: The main purpose of ODBC is to provide a way for applications to access data from different DBMS using a single, uniform API. It provides a database-independent, language-independent, and operating system-independent way of accessing data in a database.Q: How does ODBC work?A: ODBC works by using ODBC drivers to translate the application’s database queries into commands that the DBMS understands. The application connects to the ODBC Driver Manager, which then communicates with the ODBC driver for the particular DBMS.Q: Where is ODBC typically used?A: ODBC is typically used in business applications to allow them to access data stored in different types of DBMS, such as Oracle, SQL Server, and MySQL. It’s commonly used in scenarios where you need to access data from multiple sources, like data warehousing or business intelligence applications.Q: Who maintains the ODBC standard?A: The ODBC standard is maintained by Microsoft. It was initially developed by them in collaboration with Simba Technologies in the early 1990s.Q: Do I need to install different ODBC drivers for different databases?A: Yes, you will need to install an ODBC driver that is specifically designed for the type of DBMS you are using. The driver aligns with the specifics of that DBMS and ensures the correct translation of database commands.Q: Is ODBC only used in Windows?A: Originally, ODBC was developed for Windows. However, the concept has been so useful that other systems, including Unix and macOS, have implemented their own versions or equivalents of ODBC.Q: What are alternatives to ODBC?A: Alternatives to ODBC include JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) for Java-based applications, and ADO.NET for .NET applications. Both of these also provide a unified interface for accessing different databases.

Related Tech Terms

  • Driver Manager
  • Data Source Name (DSN)
  • Application Programming Interface (API)
  • SQL Queries
  • Database Connection

Sources for More Information


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