Public Safety Answering Point


A Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) is a local facility where emergency calls for services such as police, fire, and medical assistance are first received and processed. Following that, they are rerouted to the appropriate emergency service personnel. Essentially, it acts as a primary point of contact in cases of emergencies.


The phonetics of “Public Safety Answering Point” would be “Puhb-lik Seyf-tee An-ser-ing Point”.

Key Takeaways

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  1. Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) is a critical element of the emergency services ecosystem. They are local facilities responsible for receiving 911 calls and dispatching emergency response services like police, fire, or ambulance to the scene.
  2. There are two types of PSAPs: Primary and Secondary. The primary PSAP is the first point of contact for a 911 call, while the secondary PSAPs are typically notified by the primary PSAP if additional support or resources are needed.
  3. PSAPs have undergone significant transformations with technological advancements. This includes the transition to Next Generation 911 (NG911) systems, enabling them to receive and process information from various digital platforms like text messages, images, or videos, and even call routing based on geographic data.



A Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) is vital in emergency response systems as it is the first point of contact in the event of an emergency. Whenever someone dials an emergency service number, their call is connected to a PSAP, where trained personnel identify the nature of the emergency and dispatch appropriate response teams such as police, fire, or medical services. The importance of a PSAP cannot be overstated as it is an integral element in saving lives, preventing injuries, and ensuring the efficient delivery of emergency services. With the increasing advancements in emergency communications technology, the effectiveness of PSAPs is continuously improved, demonstrating the critical role they play in public safety.


The Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) is a pivotal component in the domain of emergency response systems. Its primary purpose is to act as the first point of contact in the chain of emergency services for individuals seeking help during instances of crises such as accidents, fire, medical emergencies, or criminal activities. As soon as an emergency call is dialed, the PSAP becomes activated, receiving the call and promptly initiating an efficient response protocol to enlist the services of appropriate response agencies like fire services, police, or medical personnel.The PSAP is not only adept at receiving traditional voice calls but also handles text messages, video calls, and even digital data in contexts where such forms of communication are available and supported. It’s responsible for assessing the nature of the emergency and identifying the specific resources needed to handle the situation effectively. Dispatchers at PSAPs utilize sophisticated technology to log call details, allocate resources, and guide emergency responders to ensure immediate assistance and safety to those in distress. Careful management of these emergency scenarios dramatically reduces response time, thereby increasing the chances of a successful outcome during emergencies.


Public Safety Answering Point, often abbreviated as PSAP, refers to a call center where emergency calls initiated by any mobile or landline user are terminated. The main role of the PSAP is to act as the first point of reception for a 911 call and initiate the emergency response process. Here are three real-world examples:1. Emergency Call Centers: The most common example of the Public Safety Answering Point are the 911 call centers in the USA. Whenever a person dials 911, the call is answered by operators at these centers who then dispatch the appropriate emergency service, whether it’s the police, fire department, or an ambulance.2. City Emergency Services Dispatch: Many large cities have their own dedicated PSAPs. For example, Los Angeles Police Department’s Metropolitan Dispatch Center or New York City Police Department’s PSAP. When citizens call the emergency number, calls are routed to these centralized dispatch centers from where emergency response is coordinated.3. State Highway Patrol Dispatch Centers: These are specialized PSAPs to handle emergencies on state highways. For example, the California Highway Patrol (CHP) operates PSAPs like the Golden Gate Communications Center, where they handle emergency calls pertaining to road accidents, broken down vehicles, and other highway incidents. They then dispatch highway patrol officers or other needed help to the scene.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Q: What is a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP)?A: A Public Safety Answering Point, also known as PSAP, is a call center responsible for answering calls to an emergency service, such as 911. These centers are staffed with trained professionals who respond to emergency situations.Q: What is the role of a PSAP operator? A: A PSAP operator’s role is to answer incoming emergency calls, assess the situation, and dispatch the appropriate emergency service, whether that’s police, fire, or medical services.Q: How many PSAPs are there in the United States?A: As of now, there are approximately 5,600 Primary and Secondary PSAPs in the U.S. However, the specifics may vary from time to time.Q: What is the difference between a primary and secondary PSAP?A: A primary PSAP is the first point of contact for an emergency call. If details shared by the caller require assistance from multiple agencies, a primary PSAP may transfer the call to a secondary PSAP. A secondary PSAP is one that receives calls from the primary PSAP, not directly from the caller.Q: How are PSAPs funded?A: PSAPs are usually funded by city, state, or local government appropriations. They may also receive funding through taxes, levies, or fees that are added to phone bills.Q: What technology is used in a PSAP?A: PSAPs use a variety of technology, including Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) systems, Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping, and Next Generation 911 (NG911) systems that enable the reception of texts, images, video, and data.Q: How is a PSAP different from a regular call center?A: PSAPs are specifically designed to handle emergency situations and have direct access to emergency response services. Operators at a PSAP are also specially trained to handle emergency situations and provide critical life-saving instructions over the phone until help arrives. Q: Can PSAPs receive text messages or only calls?A: While historically PSAPs primarily received voice calls, modern PSAPs have implemented Next Generation 911 technology, allowing them to also receive text messages, as well as images and videos in some locations. Always check the capabilities of your local PSAP before attempting to reach out via text.

Related Tech Terms

  • Emergency Service Number (ESN)
  • Automatic Number Identification (ANI)
  • Automatic Location Identification (ALI)
  • Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD)
  • Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG 9-1-1)

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