
Quick Access Toolbar


The Quick Access Toolbar is a customizable toolbar in Microsoft applications that contains a set of commands independent of the tab on the ribbon currently being displayed. It is typically located in the top-left corner of the application window. Users can modify it to include any command, option, or function they frequently use for quicker and easier access.


kwɪk ˈæ ˈtuːl.bɑr

Key Takeaways

Quick Access Toolbar

  1. The Quick Access Toolbar is a customizable toolbar that contains a set of commands that are independent of the tab on the ribbon that is currently displayed. You can move the Quick Access Toolbar from its default position at the top of the Ribbon to below the Ribbon.
  2. The commands on the Quick Access Toolbar can be used with any active tab. This includes all default commands no matter which tab is active, providing you quick and easy access to frequently used commands.
  3. Users can customize this toolbar based on their workflow and preferences. This means you can add buttons representing commands that you use frequently to make them more easily accessible, thus enhancing your work efficiency.


The Quick Access Toolbar, often abbreviated as QAT, is an important technology term because it refers to a customizable toolbar present in Microsoft applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and so on. It is significant due to its purpose of improving efficiency and productivity when using these applications. The Quick Access Toolbar allows users to add their most frequently used commands or functions in one easily accessible location. By doing so, users can complete their tasks much more quickly and seamlessly, without having to navigate through various menus and options every time. Its customizable nature enables each user to tailor it according to their specific needs, making it a valuable feature in Microsoft applications.


The Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) is a highly convenient feature offered in several Microsoft applications such as Word, Excel, and Outlook, designed to enhance productivity and efficiency. It primarily serves as a readily accessible tool repository that allows users to perform operations with just a single click, rather than navigating through different tabs or menus. This utility strip lives at the upper portion of these applications and it comes pre-loaded with a set of default commands such as save, undo or redo. Moreover, it offers the flexibility of customization, where a user can add or remove tools according to their frequency of use or personal preferences.The fundamental purpose of the Quick Access Toolbar is to streamline the execution of tasks by having the most commonly used commands literally at the users’ fingertips. In doing so, it minimizes the time wasted in searching for tools across different menus, thus accelerating the work process. For instance, if a user constantly utilizes the ‘Spell Check’ function, having it on the QAT spares them from going to the ‘Review’ tab each time to access this function. In this way, whether it’s drafting a report in Word or creating a spreadsheet in Excel, the Quick Access Toolbar primarily amplifies operational efficiency and ease of task execution.


1. Microsoft Office Applications: In software like Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, there is a Quick Access Toolbar found in the top left corner. This toolbar contains buttons for commonly used commands, such as Save, Undo, and Redo. Users can customize this toolbar based on their own preferences to have quick access to other commands they use frequently.2. Adobe Acrobat: In Adobe Acrobat, the Quick Access Toolbar lives above the menu bar and contains icons for widely used tools. For instance, users can instantly save, print, or search for a document directly from this toolbar. Similarly to MS Office, users have the option to customize this toolbar to include the tools they use most.3. Autodesk AutoCAD: AutoCAD has a customizable Quick Access Toolbar that is similar to that found in Microsoft Office applications. It is located at the top of the application window and provides efficient access to a wide selection of tools. Users often include buttons for functions like Open, Save, Print, and others that can enhance their workflow in AutoCAD’s design environment.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Q: What is the Quick Access Toolbar?A: The Quick Access Toolbar is a customizable toolbar built into Microsoft Office products that provides easy access to commands that you frequently use.Q: Where is the Quick Access Toolbar located?A: The Quick Access Toolbar is typically located at the top of the application window, above the ribbon.Q: Can you customize the Quick Access Toolbar?A: Yes, you can customize the Quick Access Toolbar according to your needs. This includes adding commands that you use frequently for quicker accessibility. Q: How do you add commands to the Quick Access Toolbar?A: To add commands, click on the Quick Access Toolbar drop-down menu. Choose “More Commands”, then you can select the command from the list and click “Add”. Q: Can I remove commands from the Quick Access Toolbar?A: Yes, you can remove commands from the Quick Access Toolbar by right clicking on the command and selecting “Remove from Quick Access Toolbar.”Q: What types of commands can be added to the Quick Access Toolbar?A: Virtually any command can be added to the Quick Access Toolbar. This includes saving, undo/redo, print, and more. Q: Is the Quick Access Toolbar available in all Microsoft Office applications?A: Yes, the Quick Access Toolbar is available in all Microsoft Office applications including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook.Q: Can I move the Quick Access Toolbar?A: Yes, the Quick Access Toolbar can be moved to below the ribbon by right-clicking on the toolbar, and then selecting “Show Quick Access Toolbar below the Ribbon”.Q: What is the purpose of the Quick Access Toolbar?A: The purpose is to have a set of commands independent of the tab on the ribbon that is currently displayed. This enables users to access their most frequently used commands in a faster and more efficient manner.

Related Tech Terms

  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • User Interface
  • Customizable Toolbar
  • Shortcut Buttons
  • Command Buttons

Sources for More Information


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