Out-of-date dependency file for COMCTL32.OCX

Out-of-date dependency file for COMCTL32.OCX

Have you ever read a message like “Dependency file for COMCTL32.OCX is out of date” during the package creation process? The cause of this problem is simple: you have installed an application that has replaced your COMCTL32.OCX ActiveX with the newer release (which is 5.00.3828 at this time). The ActiveX has been updated, but not its .DEP file (the file containing all DLL files you have to distribuite with an ActiveX).

When the package wizard tells you that the DEP file is out of date. The solution is to download the new release of COMCTL32.OCX and its DEP file at http://support.microsoft.com/download/support/mslfiles/Comctlzp.exe and then install them.


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