Using Dynasets vs. Using Data Controls

Using Dynasets vs. Using Data Controls

In writing a VB database application, is it more effecient to open up the database once in the beginning of the program, and build queries/recordsets to access the appropriate information, rather than, setting numerous data controls on all your forms, and using them for the source of your information?

Essentially, does each data control instance relate to an additional “open” on the database?

It depends on what database you are using. If you are using Access on a single machine, you can do either one without any major penalty. You can use a combination, since it is much easier to show a grid with data using a data control than any other way. If you are running via ODBC or through other databases, the data controls will do the same thing as creating a dynaset, since that is what the Recordset property actually is. If you are on a slow network, this can really bog things down.


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