How to find out who is using open file on Novell 4.1 server

How to find out who is using open file on Novell 4.1 server

When I try to access a specific file on my Novell 4.1 server, I get amessage that says that the file is in use. How can I find out who is usingthe file?


If a user on your Novell network complains that he/she cannot access a file(i.e., open it, delete it, or copy it), you will need to find out who isusing the file.

Change to the Sys: volume and type: cd system [enter].Then type: rconsole [enter].

If you cannot connect to your server via remote console at this time, youmay need to load the NLMs necessary to activate remote console features onyou Novell server. In order to achieve this, you will need to type thefollowing at your server’s console:

:load rspx:load remote
You will be prompted to enter a password that you are required to type inwhen you try to access the server remotely.

When a rconsole is active, choose your server from the list andpress[enter]. You will now be prompted to type in the remoteconsole password.On successful authentication, you should be presented with the ServerMonitor screen. Otherwise, you will need to press alt+esc (on 3.x) or alt+f3(on 4.1) to access the console “:” prompt. Type: “load monitor” and press[enter]

Once inside the Monitor program, choose “File Open/Lock Activity” and selectthe desired volume and directory where the file in question exists.Highlight the file and press [enter]. You will now bepresented with a listof connection numbers that are currently accessing the file. Write these numbers down.

Press [esc] to return to the main menu and select”Connections.” Thenscroll down the list to view the user names associated with the connectionnumbers. These are the users who currently have the file open.


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