How can Windows NT users access NetWare’s file and print resources?

How can Windows NT users access NetWare’s file and print resources?

How can my Windows NT users access NetWare’s file andprint resources?

In order for Windows NT users to be able to access NetWare 3.x or 4.xresources, the following needs to be done:

a. Log into the Windows NT server as Administrator or equivalent; open thecontrol panel, click and open the network icon.

b. Verify that the NWLink IPX/SPX Transport is installed; highlight theprotocol and click “Configure.” You can now set the frame type to”Autodetect,” or if you know what your Novell frame type is, then set itmanually, for example: Ethernet 802.2; save changes and exit.

c. You will find the GSNW (Gateway Services for NetWare) icon inside thecontrol panel as well; click to activate. Here, you will need to selectyour preferred NetWare server. Specify a NetWare user account andpassword; ensure that this account belongs to the NTGATEWAY group on the NetWare server (if no such group exists on the Novell server, create oneand edit its membership to include the gateway account name). The gatewayaccount also needs to be set up as a valid user ID on the NT server withprivileges to set up shares.

d. Once the correct gateway user ID and password are supplied, you areready to set up the server shares. Simply click on the “Add” button,specify a share name (e.g. “NWdrive1”), the path (“\ORIONSYS”), thenumber of users that can access the service simultaneously and a driveletter (for example, “G”; this shows up in the File Manager) . Optionally, youcan also set up permissions such as: read, write, full, etc. Repeat thisprocess to add all the required shares.

e. To set up printing, open the Control Panel and select Printers.Select a printer or create a new one if necessary. Highlight the printerand select “connect” from the “Printer” menu. Click on Browse and selectthe NetWare queue you wish to connect to. Once you have connected to theprinter, you can specify that it is shared and give it a name.


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