Including Reserved Characters in Strings Passed to Applet from PARAM Tag

Including Reserved Characters in Strings Passed to Applet from PARAM Tag

How do I include reserved characters suchas double-quote in the strings passed to an applet from a PARAM tag?Standard SGML entities don’t work; the UNIX backslash method doesn’t work.

I’d like to be able to do this:


It must be possible…

Any character in an attribute value can be replaced by its ASCIIcode prefaced by & and terminated by a semicolon. Certain characterssuch as ” and & can also be replaced by special entity references(" and & respectively.) Several Web sites give complete listingsof the entity references.

Try the following lines in your HTML file:

 <applet code=foo.class><param name=test value="Here is a quote:  " ."></applet>


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