Connecting to Databases from Web Servers

Connecting to Databases from Web Servers

In Visual InterDev I have successfully added a data connection. In the Data View I can see all my tables, fields, etc. My database resides on a SQL 7 server and my Web application is on the IIS 4 server. No matter what I do I get the following error:

“[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified.”

It seems as if everything I try fails. Can you please give an answer/hint to making the connection from the ASP?

You have set up a proper DSN on your development server and therefore you can see the tables and fields successfully.

Your ASP page, however, is trying to find the same DSN on your Web server machine and is failing. Make sure you have the same DSN set up on the box containing the IIS 4 server also.


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