Contact List in Public Folder

Contact List in Public Folder

I’m looking to make an online contact list without creating a whole new ASP page for my company. I was thinking that I could simply put the Outlook contact list in a Public Folder. The only thing is, I am having trouble creating a Public Folder.

Do you know of a simple way to accomplish this task?

Assuming you have the proper permissions, all you need to do is click File | New | Folder, give the folder a name, specify that it contains contact items, and then select Public Folders | All Public Folders as to where to place the folder. (If you want it to be a sub-folder of an existing Public Folder, you can also select that sub-folder.)

If that’s not working for you, chances are that you don’t have the “Create Subfolders” permission to your Public Folder tree. You’ll need to check with your Exchange Administrator (unless that’s you) to get that permission enabled.


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