Apostrophe causes syntax error in SQL query

Apostrophe causes syntax error in SQL query

I have a problem with the add and update query in SQL. I am trying to update the database with a string which contains one or more apostrophes. SQL reads it like a syntax in query and gives an error message. What I can do? Are there other text delimiters? I have tried “”,[], or {} or double apostrophe without success.


Before sending data to your SQL Server, convert all your apostrophes (‘) in data to double apostrophes (“).

So, if a user name is O’Brian, the apostrophe will cause a problem in your SQL Statement:

Update Table Set NameField = 'O'Brian'

Instead, you need to convert it to double apostrophes:

Update Table Set NameField = 'O"Brian'

To convert single apostrophes to double, use the Replace function.

strName = Replace(strName, " '" , """ )


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