Set Your onclick Event to Occur on the Client Before the Server

Set Your onclick Event to Occur on the Client Before the Server

Sometimes, you want to handle an event such as a button click on the client first, and then post the click event to the server only under certain conditions. Here’s how to make both click events fire:

  1. Create an HTMLControl like this, with the attribute runat set as “server”:
  2. Add the attribute onclick to the control at server-side:
  3. Add the server-side onclick event:
    this.btnDelete.ServerClick += new System.EventHandler(this.btnDelete_ServerClick);private void btnSave_ServerClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


Then you can write the DeleteData() method in client-side JavaScript. If that method returns true, the page will post back to the server, and the btnSave_ServerClick method will execute. However, if the DeleteData() method returns false, the page will not post back.


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