
March 19, 1997

Tables in Borland Database Engine/Delphi

Question: When you open a table in both the Database Desktopand a self-written Delphi app, and you post a record in your own app, the changes are reflected automatically in

Can I control the position of new browser windows?

Question: How can I control the position of new browser windows createdwith the window . open method? Answer: Although JavaScript’s window . open method makes itpossible to automatically open new

How can I convert numbers to hexadecimal strings?

Question: How can I convert numbers to hexadecimal strings? Answer: Although it was not mentioned in the original documentation forJavaScript, the toString method has been available forconverting integers into strings

Running Java on Non-network Local PC

Question: Can a Java applet or executable run locally on a PC if the PC is not connected to a network? Example: I bring up my home page and download

Creating Forms in Shapes Other than Rectangles

Question: Is it possible to create forms with shapes other than the standard rectangular shape in Windows? Answer: Sometimes it’s just not enough to write applications that have the same

TIniFile’s Hidden Limitation

Question: I have an INI file that is approximately 20K with all entries in one section. If I use TIniFile’s ReadSection method, only part of the section gets loaded. Why?

How do I copy a file in Delphi?

Question: How do I copy a file in Delphi? Answer: H3>Reminiscing on Days Gone By…Back in the old DOS days, we took for granted copying a file from one place