
February 14, 2000

Segmentation Fault

Question: What is a segmentation fault? I get it when I try to output an integer. (It’s a very basic program: it reads in an integer and spits it back

Pointers to Class Member Functions

Question: I’m trying to write a program that has a pointer to a private member function of a class. A public member function calls some of the private functions by

Deleting/Expanding a Column

Question: What is the proper method(s) to delete a column from a table or expand the size of a column in a table? Adding is easy. Deleting and changing obviously

Explaining the Modulus Operator

Question: What does the modulus (%) operator do? Answer: The modulus operator returns the remainder of a division operation. For example, 5%2 equals 1 because dividing 5 by 2 gives

Possibility of Decompiling an EXE File?

Question: How can I get the source code from EXE files? Does it matter if they are read-only? Answer: This question is asked very frequently. However, the answer is always

Preventing Users from Deleting E-mail

Question: I would like to prevent users from deleting e-mail in Outlook 97 on a Windows 95 or Windows NT workstation in combination with Exchange Server on an NT server.

DATETIME Type Conversion

Question: I need some help with the DATETIME data type conversion. I have an Informix database running in a UNIX environment and I need to insert the system hour into

Informix ODBC Drivers 3.31

Question: I am currently running Informix Dynamic Server 2000 version 9.20 TC1 on an NT server, Service Pack 6a. I have existing Visual Basic 5 applications that are using ADO