
Tip Bank

One Large Program vs. Several Small Programs

Question: We have 4 good size programs, and we are considering consolidated theminto 1 single program. Combined, these 4 programs would have about 60 forms and a total of 500

Right-Justifying Output

Question: My VB program produces as output, paper reports such as Income Statements and Balance Sheets. How do we get the numbers to print as they should, that is, dollars

Databound Providing Partial Matching

Question: I’m trying to create a DBCombo function on a form which operates similar to MS Access’s ComboBox. As the user types in an entry, character by character, the DBCombo’s

Getting Available Disk Space

Question: I am looking for a way to determine the numberof bytes on a hard drive. Preferable I’d liketo know the total bytes on a drive and the bytes used

Limiting Size of Popup Windows

Question: How do you limit the size of a help file definition window? When I program a pop-up window for a definition, its as big as the main Help window

Opening a Topic Through Code

Question: What steps do I take to open/ retrieve a particular help topic (usingContext string/ID) of a Help File? Answer: This code, using the CommonDialog control, could be put behind

Binding to a Database

Question: Is it possible to bind a cell in a grid with a database field (as we can do for text boxes and some other controls)? Answer: In VB3, the

Wait Window

Question: My VB application accesses Oracle on VAX and it takes atleast15 secs to get connected to Oracle. How can I display a waitwindow/msgbox/form while it is trying to connect