
Tip Bank

Passing Variants to Methods

Question: I’m trying to call a method on my ActiveX control from VBScript. The method has one input argument (a long) and three output arguments (doubles). I Dim variables for

Managing Images in a Toolbar

Question: I’ve created a toolbar for an MDI app using a top-aligned panel and a number of image controls. When the user clicks on an “up” image, the image picture

Showing as 3D

Question: I need a 3D bound text box control so I can avoid having to place standard text boxes in 3D panels for a chiseled effect. I have been unable

Supported Graphics Formats

Question: What graphic file formats does VB support? Does it support the GIF format? Answer: Visual Basic supports the Windows Bitmap (.BMP), the Windows Icon (.ICO), and the Windows Metafile

Loading Bitmaps from Database Values

Question: I am in the process of building an application where I needa grid of small graphics (icons or BMPs) in an array situation.When the user clicks on one graphic

Reliable File Writing

Question: I have a DOS-based application (QB4.5) which has been running for some years and I have now updated it to Visual Basic. The application handles several async serial ports

Placing Windows on Screen

Question: I am trying to figure out exactly how to get mywindow to center itself no matter what the resolution of the screen is that it is beingdisplayed on is.