
Tip Bank

Network Logon/Logoff Functions

Question: I am trying to create a VB program to log a useronto a workgroup (from a windows for workgroupsclient) and then map local drives and devices toa network resource.

Setting Windows Wallpaper

Question: I am trying to use the API call SystemParametersInfo to change the Windows wallpaper. It works great in a Borland C program I wrote, but doesn’t work in VB.

Replacing OpenTable

Question: We have a Large VB application (code wise) and we are movingthe data from MS access to Sybase using the ODBC driver.Now, after we presented the project’s time tale

Changing File Extension

Question: not having programmed in any of the BASIC languages, I am wondering if Visual Basic’s string variable is in anyway similar to what a string variable is in C

Loading a Large Executable

Question: We are experiencing real speed problems with this platformon Windows 95. we are using Pentium 100 machineswith 16megs of ram. The project compiles to about 3megs. The main screens

Searching for Text

Question: Can you help to create code for searching a word in a text box Answer: Let’s say that Text1 is your search criteria (word) and Text2 is the text

Creating File Dialogs

Question: I am a beginer in Visual Basic 3.0. I am trying to make a “Text Editor” program.Can you tell mehow to make “save” and “open” menus (using dialog box)I

Getting Network Login ID

Question: How can I query the login name of a Novell user from VB? Answer: Try this:un$ = space(255)unsize% = len(un$)a = WNetGetUser(un, unsize)MsgBox trim(un)The WNetGetUser API declaration is: Declare