JIRA Splits Into Three Versions

Atlassian has announced that its popular JIRA issue-tracking system will now come in three versions: JIRA Software is the traditional version for software developers and enterprise application development teams to use for finding and resolving bugs. JIRA Core is a new version that is more generic so that it can be used by non-developers. And JIRA Service Desk is a new version that can replace IT help desk ticketing systems.

?There?s a lot of pent up demand for this,” noted Jay Simons, president of Atlassian. “So in some cases we?re following our customers. A couple years ago, 40% of our customers had configured JIRA to support IT service desks. They had taken a version of JIRA that wasn?t built for that and used it. There?re things we could add, like SLA management and agent queue management, different sets of reports to make it awesome, and that?s part of what we?ve done with JIRA Service Desk.”

Simons added that the Core product cuts out some of the Agile software development tools and other features specific to development so that it can be used as a workflow tool for teams of all kinds.

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