SAP Announces IoT Tools, Partnerships

SAP Announces IoT Tools, Partnerships

At the Internet of Things World Conference and Exposition, SAP announced that it was expanding its SAP HANA Cloud Platform for IoT and that it had forged several new IoT partnerships. The new tools include the IoT Foundation Bundle for SAP HANA and IoT Intelligent Edge Processing Bundle for SAP HANA. The company is partnering with Dell to bundle SAP IoT software with Dell Edge Gateway 5000 hardware, and it is working with Hitachi on IoT projects related to transportation and logistics, smart cities and smart manufacturing.

?SAP is helping customers map their journeys through digital transformation, and the IoT has the potential to drive the largest segment of growth in new business value,? said SAP executive vice president Tanja Rueckert. ?We offer the right solution infrastructure and are committed to building the strongest, most comprehensive ecosystem for the IoT in the industry. Our robust platform and line-of-business and industry applications for the IoT enable customers to improve their operational efficiency and transform their business models.?

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