Early SSI payments scheduled for August

August Payments

The Social Security Administration (SSA) is making changes to its payment schedule for August and September. This will affect millions of Americans who rely on Social Security benefits, particularly those receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Typically, SSI benefits are paid on the first of each month.

However, when the first falls on a weekend or holiday, the SSA adjusts the payment date. For September, the first falls on a Sunday, so SSI recipients will receive their benefits early, on Friday, August 30. This means that SSI beneficiaries will receive two payments in August: one on August 1 and another on August 30.

It’s important to note that this does not mean recipients are getting extra money.

Early SSI payments in August

The August 30 payment is simply the September benefit paid early.

The SSA distributes payments for other programs throughout the month based on factors like the beneficiary’s birth date and when they applied for benefits. For those receiving Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI) who claimed benefits after May 1997, payments are made on the second, third, or fourth Wednesday of the month, depending on their birth date. SSI benefit amounts vary based on individual circumstances.

The monthly maximum is $943 for individuals, $1,415 for couples, and an additional $472 for those with an “essential person.” Eligibility is determined by income and resource limits set at $2,000 for individuals and $3,000 for couples. The SSA has confirmed the following SSI payment dates for the remainder of the year:

– August (for September): Friday, August 30
– November (for December): Friday, November 29

Recipients are advised to budget accordingly and remember that the early payments are not extra money. Those with questions about their specific benefits should contact the SSA directly or visit the official SSA website for more information on eligibility requirements and payment schedules.


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