Electric Vehicle Crisis Averted by Hyundai

Electric Vehicle Crisis Averted by Hyundai

Hyundai Crisis Averted

A sudden charging issue with his electric Hyundai Ioniq left Ontario resident Simrat Sooch in a bind when it was discovered that the car’s battery required replacement. Unfortunately, Sooch’s warranty had just recently expired, meaning he would have to shoulder the expense himself. To make matters even more complicated, the availability of replacement batteries for electric vehicles of this specific make and model was limited at the time, leading to an extended waiting period. Facing this combined financial and logistical burden, Sooch felt frustrated and discouraged by the electric vehicle ownership experience.

Contacting Hyundai

When Sooch found out that a new battery would cost over $50,000, he contacted Hyundai in the hopes that they would agree to cover either all or part of the significant repair costs. To his surprise, Hyundai agreed to replace the battery free of charge, acknowledging that the issue was a rare occurrence within their vehicles. This generous act not only saved Sooch a considerable amount of money but also showcased the company’s dedication to customer satisfaction and support.

Financial assistance from Hyundai Canada

Following discussions with the automaker, Hyundai Canada ultimately informed the concerned vehicle owner that they would be offering “financial assistance” as a solution to the problem. This decision by Hyundai Canada not only alleviates the burden on the vehicle owner but also showcases the company’s commitment to ensuring customer satisfaction in their products. Going forward, this instance of proactive problem-solving may set the tone for future interactions between automakers and customers facing similar issues.

Uncertainty in the amount of support

While Hyundai Canada has pledged to provide financial help for Sooch’s situation, the precise amount of support is still uncertain. The company aims to assess the specific needs of Sooch and his family to determine the appropriate assistance required. Hyundai’s commitment indicates their dedication to customer satisfaction and willingness to address any unexpected challenges faced by their vehicle owners.

Awaiting further information

He now awaits further information to ease the weight of the hefty battery replacement expense for his electric Hyundai Ioniq, stressing the significance of being aware and providing assistance for consumers when dealing with electric vehicle ownership challenges.

Importance of being informed and prepared

Being informed about the costs and potential issues can help electric vehicle owners be better prepared and avoid unexpected financial burdens. Furthermore, creating resources and support networks for these consumers can facilitate the transition to electric vehicles and ensure a more positive ownership experience.

Creating resources for electric vehicle owners

To better support electric vehicle owners, it is crucial to create resources such as informative guides, forums, and other helpful tools to assist them in understanding the costs, potentials issues, and maintenance requirements for their vehicles. This can help avoid unexpected expenses and alleviate any concerns regarding ownership.

Advocacy for comprehensive warranties and support

It is also essential to advocate for comprehensive warranties and support options from automakers, ensuring customer satisfaction and protection in unexpected situations. These policies would be beneficial in cases like Sooch’s, where substantial costs and repair needs may arise unexpectedly.

Fostering a positive electric vehicle ownership experience

With the growing popularity of electric vehicles, it is increasingly crucial for automakers and stakeholders to ensure a positive experience for owners. Through proactive problem-solving, comprehensive support policies, and robust resource creation, automakers can foster a better relationship with their customers while promoting a smooth transition to electric vehicle ownership.


The swift and helpful response from Hyundai Canada to Simrat Sooch’s electric vehicle battery issue highlights the importance of customer satisfaction and support in an emerging industry that still grapples with occasional challenges. By addressing these issues proactively, working continuously to improve resources and policies, and focusing on a positive ownership experience, automakers can build trust and foster lasting relationships with electric vehicle owners.

First Reported on: globalnews.ca


What was the issue with Simrat Sooch’s electric Hyundai Ioniq?

The issue with Simrat Sooch’s electric Hyundai Ioniq was a sudden charging problem that required a costly battery replacement. The availability of replacement parts was limited at the time, which added to the challenge.

How much would the battery replacement cost for the electric Hyundai Ioniq?

The battery replacement for the electric Hyundai Ioniq was estimated to cost over $50,000, a significant financial burden for the owner.

What did Hyundai Canada do to address Simrat Sooch’s issue?

Hyundai Canada agreed to provide financial assistance to Simrat Sooch for the battery replacement, showcasing their dedication to customer satisfaction and support. The precise amount of assistance is still uncertain and will be determined based on Sooch’s specific needs.

What can be done to better support electric vehicle owners?

To better support electric vehicle owners, creating resources like informative guides, forums, and other tools can help them understand the costs, potential issues, and maintenance requirements for their vehicles. Additionally, advocating for comprehensive warranties and support options from automakers can ensure customer satisfaction and protection in unexpected situations.

How can automakers foster a positive electric vehicle ownership experience?

Automakers can foster a positive electric vehicle ownership experience through proactive problem-solving, comprehensive support policies, and robust resource creation. By addressing issues effectively and working to improve resources and policies, automakers can build trust and lasting relationships with their customers.


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