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Hybrid Cloud

ClearScale, an AWS Premier Tier Services partner, has launched new AI-powered offerings to help customers migrate from VMware to AWS. The company aims to address customer concerns about rising costs and pricing control following Broadcom’s acquisition of VMware. What we’re seeing in the market is tight control around pricing.

Customers only understand their pricing when they’re approaching their renewal,” said ClearScale CEO Jimmy Chui. Costs can be 3X to 10X higher than before, at least with the customers we’ve been engaging.”

ClearScale’s new services include an Exit Assessment, which uses AI to analyze a company’s environment and identify cost savings, an AWS Exit Assessment to develop a migration strategy, and an SA On-Demand Exit Strategy, which provides access to AWS-certified solutions architects. Founded in 2011, ClearScale has helped over 400 companies migrate to the cloud.

The company has 12 AWS Competencies and has delivered over 1,000 AWS cloud products. Chui explains that customers have been paying a premium for easy migration options, but with recent cost increases, there’s a growing need for a new solution. “The next easy button is AWS,” said Chui.

Addressing escalating migration costs

“By moving to AWS, we can offer more elastic services, reduce costs, and provide greater agility.”

AWS provides cloud credits, migration incentives, and partner funding to make this shift economically feasible. We can bring migration costs close to a net-neutral cost for consulting and the first six months of managed services,” Chui said.

This also includes reducing additional licensing costs by moving towards open-source or AWS services. ClearScale’s new offerings leverage AI from the initial customer discovery meetings to project implementation. The AI systems help clear communication, generate solid project plans, and reduce migration costs.

Automated tools help scan code bases and assess customer needs, accelerating projects with augmented code development. With all this new AI tooling in place, we can accelerate and get you to the technology that’s actually going to save you money in the cloud in the long run,” Chui notes. ClearScale’s AI-powered migration services are positioned to address rising concerns about costs.

Organizations can achieve significant cost savings and operational efficiency by migrating to AWS. The company is opening a broader conversation about cloud strategy, emphasizing that the cloud must be seen as a business strategy to realize its full ROI.


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