
Canonical Name

Definition of Canonical Name

A Canonical Name, or CNAME, is a type of Domain Name System (DNS) record that maps one domain name to another. This allows one web address to point to another, often used for associating subdomains to a main domain or load balancing. Briefly, CNAME serves as an alias, redirecting one domain to another.


The phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “Canonical Name” is:KəˈnÉ’nɪkÉ™l Neɪm

Key Takeaways

  1. A Canonical Name (CNAME) is a type of Domain Name System (DNS) record that maps one domain name to another, essentially creating an alias.
  2. CNAME records enable users to access a website using multiple domain names, improving user experience and making it easy for webmasters to manage different domain names without creating multiple sites.
  3. However, a CNAME record cannot coexist with other resource records for the same domain name, as it might cause conflicts and issues with the DNS resolution process.

Importance of Canonical Name

The term Canonical Name (CNAME) is essential within technology, particularly in the context of Domain Name Systems (DNS), as it enables the linking of one domain or subdomain to another.

Essentially, CNAME serves as an alias, allowing multiple domains to reference a single IP address, resulting in more efficient administration and enhanced flexibility.

By directing traffic from various domain names to one central location, it streamlines the process of updating IP addresses, simplifies server maintenance, and allows for seamless web application migrations.

Therefore, understanding the canonical name concept is crucial for IT professionals, system administrators, and web developers in managing an increasingly interconnected and dynamic online environment.


The Canonical Name (CNAME) record serves a crucial function in streamlining the management of domain names within the Domain Name System (DNS). It primarily exists to simplify administration and reduce redundancy when managing multiple domain names that all point to the same IP address. The purpose of the CNAME record is to define an alias, allowing multiple hostnames to resolve to a single canonical (or “true”) domain name. This canonical domain is then associated with an IP address through an Address (A) record.

By consolidating this information, administrators can more easily maintain and update the IP addresses associated with different domain names. For instance, a company may have a website with various subdomains (e.g.,,, and, all of which share the same IP address. Instead of maintaining individual A records for each subdomain, administrators can create CNAME records that point to a single canonical domain, thus reducing the overall maintenance effort.

When the IP address of the server changes, the administrator only needs to update the A record associated with the primary domain name. With this setup, the likelihood of errors is minimized, and visitors will consistently access and retrieve content from the correct web server. Utilizing CNAME records ultimately leads to a more organized, reliable, and efficient DNS infrastructure.

Examples of Canonical Name

A Canonical Name (CNAME) is a type of Domain Name System (DNS) record that maps an alias or nickname for a domain to its true domain name. Below are three real-world examples of how CNAME records are utilized:Load Balancing: A website may use multiple servers to distribute the load of incoming traffic. To do this, they will create CNAME records for each server pointing to the same domain name. For example, a website’s primary domain could be ``, and they might create CNAME records for `server` and `` which both point to ``. This allows the website to distribute incoming requests evenly between the two servers, helping to manage traffic and ensure smooth operation of the site.

Domain Aliasing: A company may own multiple domain names, such as and To make it easier to maintain their website and ensure users can access it easily, they can create a CNAME record for `` that points to ``. This way, users visiting the .net domain will see the same content as those visiting the .com domain, without needing to duplicate the website or maintain two separate versions.Content Delivery Networks (CDNs): Websites that serve content to an international audience often use CDNs to ensure quick load times. CDNs have multiple servers spread across different locations, allowing users to access content from the server closest to them. To implement a CDN, a website can create a CNAME record that points to the CDN’s domain. For example, if the CDN domain is ``, a website can create a CNAME record for `` that directs traffic to ``. This ensures that users are directed to the nearest server in the CDN when they access the site.

Frequently Asked Questions About Canonical Name

1. What is a Canonical Name (CNAME)?

A canonical name, or CNAME, is a type of Domain Name System (DNS) record that maps one domain name (alias) to another (the canonical name). CNAME records are used to redirect one domain or subdomain to another, ensuring that the content is the same for both addresses.

2. Why is a CNAME Record Important?

A CNAME record is essential as it helps in maintaining the same content on multiple domain names without duplicating the content. It is also beneficial for updating content in one place, giving more accessible control over multiple domain names.

3. How to Create a CNAME Record?

To create a CNAME record, you need to access your domain’s DNS management panel and create a new record with the appropriate host (alias) and target (canonical name) values. Note that the target value must be an existing domain or subdomain for the CNAME record to work correctly.

4. Are CNAME Records and URL Redirects the Same?

No, CNAME records and URL redirects are not the same. A CNAME record merely points an alias to a canonical name, while a URL redirect sends website visitors from one URL to another. CNAME records are server-side connections, whereas URL redirects are client-side connections.

5. What is the Difference Between CNAME and A Record?

A CNAME record points a domain or subdomain to another domain name, while an A record (Address record) points a domain or subdomain to an IPv4 address. A CNAME record essentially redirects a domain or subdomain to another domain, whereas an A record directs it to a specific IP address.

Related Technology Terms

  • DNS (Domain Name System)
  • CNAME record (Canonical Name record)
  • Subdomain
  • FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name)
  • Alias

Sources for More Information


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