Cloud Burst

Definition of Cloud Burst

Cloud bursting is a technique used in cloud computing, where applications running in a private cloud or data center dynamically expand to a public cloud when there’s a sudden increase in demand or workload. This allows businesses to handle peak times or spikes in usage without overinvesting in infrastructure. The process maximizes the efficiency of IT resources and offers better performance and flexibility to businesses.


The phonetic pronunciation of “Cloud Burst” would be:/klaʊd bɜrst/Here, “klaʊd” stands for “Cloud,” while “bɜrst” stands for “Burst.”

Key Takeaways

  1. Cloud Bursting provides scalability and flexibility by allowing businesses to handle traffic spikes by expanding their processing and storage resources beyond their on-premises infrastructure.
  2. It enhances cost-effectiveness by only utilizing public cloud resources when needed, thus allowing businesses to pay for additional capacity only when it is actually being used.
  3. Implementation of Cloud Bursting requires a hybrid cloud approach, as it combines the use of private and public cloud infrastructures to handle changes in traffic and load demands optimally.

Importance of Cloud Burst

Cloud Burst, an essential technology term, refers to the sudden and rapid shift of computing workloads from a private cloud environment to a public cloud in response to on-demand needs.

This concept is crucial as it enables organizations to maximize resource utilization, control costs, and enhance scalability while maintaining data security and capability to address peak periods.

By adopting the cloud bursting approach, businesses can ensure seamless performance and effectively manage the growing demands on their IT infrastructure, providing flexibility and adaptability in an ever-evolving, competitive digital landscape.


Cloud Bursting is a strategic approach used by businesses to ensure seamless computing operations during peak demands. The purpose of this technology is to create a flexible infrastructure capable of allocating additional resources to accommodate fluctuating workloads without overloading a company’s in-house data centers.

By leveraging the resources of both private and public cloud services, organizations can not only maintain the efficiency of their systems but also minimize the costs associated with having to expand their local servers during periods of heavy traffic or high workloads. In practice, cloud bursting involves dynamically allocating workloads to a public cloud when demand exceeds the capacity of a private data center.

It acts as a safety net, offloading the excess burden and providing needed resources to maintain optimal performance, while ensuring data security and compliance are not compromised. This strategic balancing act between private and public resources can increase efficiency, reduce latency, and improve the overall effectiveness of a company’s computing operations.

As a result, businesses can focus on their core objectives while maximizing their technological capabilities and maintaining cost consistency.

Examples of Cloud Burst

Cloud bursting is a technique used in cloud computing where applications running in a private cloud can expand their resources into a public cloud platform to handle a spike in demand. Here are three real-world examples that demonstrate the use of cloud bursting technology:

E-commerce websites during peak sales or holiday events: Consider a situation where an e-commerce website experiences a sudden surge of traffic during Black Friday or Cyber Monday sales. To maintain website performance and user experience, the company can use cloud bursting to offload some of the traffic workload to a public cloud, thereby accommodating the extra demand for resources without interruptions or slowdowns.

Media streaming companies: Media streaming platforms like Netflix or Spotify often see fluctuating demand based on the time of day or popular content releases. Cloud bursting can be employed by these platforms to handle sudden increases in viewer or listener numbers. By temporarily moving excess traffic to public cloud resources, they maintain optimal user experience while minimizing the need to invest in large amounts of excessive infrastructure.

Scientific research simulations: Organizations that conduct high-performance computing (HPC) simulations, such as weather forecasting or protein folding, might require additional resources to speed up computational time and generate results faster. By using cloud bursting, these organizations can offload peak processing workloads into public cloud resources as needed, while keeping day-to-day computing tasks in-house, thus saving money on infrastructure and processing power.

Cloud Burst FAQ

What is a cloud burst?

A cloud burst is a sudden, intense rainfall event that lasts for a relatively short period of time. It often occurs when a large volume of water vapor rapidly condenses in the atmosphere, leading to heavy rain and sometimes thunderstorms or hail. This type of event can cause flash floods and result in significant damage to property and infrastructure.

How does cloud bursting happen?

Cloud bursting occurs when moist air rises and cools, leading to the formation of clouds as the water vapor condenses into droplets. The process is intensified by several factors, such as humidity, temperature gradients, and atmospheric instability. The latter happens when warm, moist air near the Earth’s surface rises rapidly, cooling and forming clouds, which can then cause heavy precipitation.

Is cloud burst the same as a cloudburst?

Yes, the terms “cloud burst” and “cloudburst” are often used interchangeably to describe the same phenomenon: a sudden, heavy downpour resulting from a rapidly condensing cloud. In both cases, the word refers to the intense and short-lived nature of the rainfall event.

What are the risks associated with cloud bursts?

Cloud bursts can lead to several potential hazards, including flash flooding, landslides, and mudslides. The rapid onset and intense rainfall can quickly overwhelm local drainage systems, leading to rising water levels and potential damage. In addition, the sudden deluge of water can saturate the ground and destabilize slopes, increasing the risk of landslides and mudslides.

How can we prepare for a cloud burst event?

While cloud bursts are difficult to predict, there are several steps you can take to reduce the potential harm. These include staying informed about local weather conditions, familiarizing yourself with flood-prone areas in your region, having an emergency kit with essential supplies, and creating an evacuation plan in case of flooding. Additionally, avoid building structures in flood-prone areas and ensure proper drainage systems are in place.

Related Technology Terms

  • Scalability
  • Hybrid Cloud
  • Resource Allocation
  • Cloud Computing
  • Load Balancing

Sources for More Information


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